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RE: You Don't Scare Me – Using Chi to Calm Down Bullies

This situation and your actions is a great example of true martial arts.

While I do believe that physical flexibility, speed, and strength is also a "must", what YOU show and describe here is even more essential. Without this (chi) a person can train for a dozen years, become fit, and fast, and flexible, but none of the "technical" skills might work in a real life situation.

My teacher told me many times that kung fu is in everything we do... In how we breathe, look, eat, and walk. And not just in a gym or dojo


I kind of waited for you commenting about martial arts … the last days have been so many so-called coincidences about martial arts. I feel like I should start practicing it. Had this thought yesterday evening at the lake and then immediately thought about you. :)

I think your teacher is right. It is the awareness that never leaves, a state of consciousness. We need to create a state of mind that's always capable of going with the flow. There's one saying about meditation that I lovelove.
It goes: "To whom who meditates the whole universe bows down."