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RE: Lineage and Caste in Early Buddhism

in #mindfulness7 years ago

essentially the lineage is the beginning of everything about Buddhism according to what I understood in this post. Thanks for this wonderful information, with this type of post I am learning little by little. Thanks for sharing the information. Happy day dear @reddust


Lineage can be material or spiritual depending on the context in which the word is placed in a passage...

AND...if the translator actually knows what he/she is talking about. The teachings of the Buddha have been translated so many times the orginal language has been lost (Buddhism is over 2,500 years old)...and many translators didn't know sanskrit or the vedas...Which was the primary religious texts Buddha was reacting too or maybe even reforming...hahaha (I am such a bad girl)...

the twelve principal deeds of Buddha are:
1 Descending from tushita Pure Land.
2 Entering his mother's womb.
3 Taking birth.
4 Mastering youthful skill and sports.
5 Enjoying a wife and retinue.
6 Taking ordination.
7 Engaging in meditation retreats.
8 Meditating beheath the Bodhil Tree.
9 Defeating the host of demons.
10 Showing the attainment of enlightenment.
11 Turning the Wheel of Dharma.
12 Showing the manner of passing away.

Thank you @dinissemata, I have attended several Buddhist Pureland teachings. Pureland is in Mahayana teachings and in Tibetan Vajrayana teachings. The articles I am writing are about the beginning of Buddhism, early Buddhism and Theravada teachings. There are some differences between Theravada and Mahayana/Vajrayana

If I assumed there were some differences, I started reading the link you sent me. Thanks for everything @reddust. Happy afternoon! I hope to continue reading more about the bidismo and seeing more of your art that is wonderful♥