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RE: How to Approach Your Over-Sensitivity and Irritability?

in #mindset6 years ago

I have a friend, child hood friend; whatever you said to him he replied it with lots of laugh and fun. I have never seen him being irritated or became sensitive for what other people said. Emotionally, he has his own niche and never though back what other said to him.
Even you intentionally tried to down him in the dumps, by no means finds him being irritated or depressed. He always prefers happiness over sad. Joy over angry.
Therefore, I have learned two important things from this guy. It might be own perspective/Personal lesson. But let me share you

  1. He never let others to deplete values from his deep. In life, as a human being we may face different circumstances that might critically defy our values. Never swallow.

  2. He always pays attention to conversations that bring forth positive energies or focuses on matters that inspire him rather than thinking and rethinking those that irritate or make him sensitive