Hi, dear friends!
According to scientific studies, experts estimate that an average person has about 50,000 thoughts per day, which means about 2100 thoughts per hour. That’s a substantial amount of thought.
If not taken seriously enough, negative thinking can devour us both physically and mentally. There are many reasons as to why negative thoughts invade our minds.
But the reasons are not as important as you would imagine.
What matters is that if we keep repeating negative thoughts, we will soon find ourselves thinking more negatively than positively, which culminates in forming a mindset.

We need to be able to convince ourselves that it is necessary for us to clear our minds of such impurities in order to find a safer way to assure our mental well-being.
Negative thoughts will likely lead you to many dire situations and catastrophic events if discovered at late stages.
The good news is that negative thoughts can be dealt with through knowledge, behavior, and a dash of strategy!
Strategies always work, even when you are battling against negative thoughts!
Fortunately, there are steps we can take to prevent negative thoughts from dragging us down in life and ruining our confidence.
In the following paragraphs, I will explain ways through which you can develop a more positive outlook that will greatly reward you in both your personal and professional life.

Take Meditation Seriously!
Meditation is an ancient practice of mind; not only does it silence wandering thoughts, but it also helps lower the heart-rate, blood pressure, and even increases creativity and feelings of compassion.
Meditation helps in more ways that you can begin to imagine.
A sharper memory is one of them. It is imperative to remember that we are living in a digital world these days. So, it is only natural for us to have a wandering and often distracted mind.
You have heard about the miracle of meditation countless times, but you have never actually tried it out for yourself.
Maybe this is the opportunity to finally dig deep and find what people are always talking about!

Seek out your thoughts, find them, and destroy them!
Are your negative thoughts growing out of a specific emotion like anger, envy, sadness or hate?
Those who aren’t as keen on talking or using words to express what they feel will have to learn that they need to properly deal with their thoughts inside their brain!
Take out a piece of paper and try letting all the negativities out on a sheet of paper.
t’s for you to decide what you must do with them afterwards. You can it down, crumple the paper and send it into the abyss or even burn it, if you will!
What matters is confronting your negative thoughts, finding them, understanding their true value, and utterly destroying them once and for all!
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Please, take the time to read the text below, it can always change in some points and it is it that has made this community understand and help each other. I would like you to pay close attention to what is written in these notes. Try to really follow what I ask of all of you who are a few months old with me contributing meaningful comments and we have built something really good here along with people who have a positive mindset and we have managed to get more people together like that.
Always read this text of notes because I can making important changes in this text like update names in the list and things to the growth and understanding of how we can improve our foundations and how this community was built until here.
I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, more and more upvotes each others and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem...
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You all know the goal! We can reach: More and More Upvotes each others!
I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts.
I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment and thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you.
You will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time.
First of all, I would like to thank all of you, who are the most active and proactive in this community, showing your generosity and always with meaningful comments. From now on I will always make a list of these incredible people who have helped to expand our goal of growing ever more.
But I ask that if you are new around here you read many of the previous posts because they make it clear that we are building a community with respect among all, generosity and this blog is for those who really want to start moving their Mindset to positive and moreover be part of the growth of all of us who contribute to this blog.
Thanks All of You!!!!
Glass half full to glass half empty
Yes ... you are right, sir ... negative thinking will certainly cause negative energy in our body. Therefore we must always think positively on others so that our minds are calm and make life healthy.
A great thanks to you sir @chbartist! Yeah like you rightly said; negative thinking usually bought negative energy to our body. So we all must learn how to think in a positive way.
¡Hermosa y significativa reflexión! Debemos esforzarnos cada día por ser guardianes de nuestros pensamientos, comprendiendo que nuestros pensamientos(sean buenos o malos) nos conducen a acciones y estas nos llevaran a resultados. ¡Enfoquemos nuestra mente en pensamientos de bien, de éxito, de alegría, de paz y cosechemos maravillosos frutos!Gracias chbartist por traernos este mensaje tan enriquecedor...¡Saludos y bendiciones para todos !
Thank you for posting this article on negative thinking.

One of my ways of combating those negativities is by not watching the mainstream news, current affairs, ect.
One other ways of becoming more positive is of helping people that are worst off than we are and doing volunteer work, and doing it for just a few hours a week makes me feel so good.
Negative thoughts are never going to beneficial for us. Our mind os full of negative and positive thoughts but we need manage our mind in a way that negativity should not affect the positive thoughts. We should be positive with everything. Positivity always bring more energy and increase motivation.
Have a great weekend.Thanks for a nice post @chbartist
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Negative thoughts/feelings are normal stuff our mind often encounters, but we can always brush it aside out of our mind.
My solution is to always deliberately think of the good times/things that have come my way in life which helps me block out the negative vibes. No matter how tough or bad you feel things are for you, my positive take on such times is that it could have been worse.
Truth is, there are others who are in a worse situation than yours. Once you realize this, it will boost your positivity and brings sunshine into your spirit.
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“Cuida tus pensamientos, porque se convertirán en tus palabras. Cuida tus palabras, porque se convertirán en tus actos. Cuida tus actos, porque convertirán en tus hábitos. Cuida tus hábitos, porque se convertirán en tu destino.”
Mahatma Gandhi
I always try to be careful with my thought because my thought can either attract positively towards me or negatively
Meditation is indeed on of those things that helped me to get back some energy for my mental health. But sometimes it can be hard to get this ability if you've enough negative thoughts already.
Creating/ Finding a cozy surrounding can also be a bit exhausting. But once you've got both it will help a lot.
Great article!
Greetings, friend, @chbartist, I am happy to read you again, I love this post, because the strategies you suggest to channel our thoughts are very good, since they are easy to implement. Negative thoughts are not good and in many cases only lead to nostalgia and depression.
Great advice and good Mathers suggest here out come negative thoughts i appreciate it very nice great job.
Set mind at achieving goals think positively meditation and yoga.
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Let me add something. Our brains have the ability to replace a negative thought with a positive one. Try it!@chbartist
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It is true, I try it and the partner has a scratch ..
If I seek and destroy my negative emotions I won’t get anything in life and will stay just an ordinary man with 200 bucks per month salary in one of many shitty countries
if you're right
There are many ways to live. Not everybody is aiming for the same destination.
Gr8 one.... you have right... we should think positive and achieve our objectives.
Yed Chbartist you are right negetive thoughts destroy the people.
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Negative thoughts are a byproduct of negative emotions like Jealousy, Anger, Greed, Fear, Hatred, Revenge, and Superstition.
If not checked and replaced by positive emotions, viz., Desire, Faith, Love, Sex, Enthusiasm, Romance, and Hope, mental agony results.
Emotions, as we know, emanate from the heart, and are pumped all the way to the brain, and from there, to the whole body.
As carriers of negativity, the havoc they cause to a person and his personality (physical and spiritual), shouldn’t be hard to fathom.
Long story short, feelings or emotions precede thoughts. The cure, therefore, lies in understanding the emotions. If these are positive, purity of thought is guaranteed.
And so is health, wealth, and prosperity.
Saludos @chbartist
Ya estaba extrañando sus publicaciones. En algunas personas es común que se genere mucho ruido mental, esto debido a la cantidad de pensamientos que inundan nuestra mente. Por lo expuesto debemos de implementar medidas que nos permitan reducir y controlar estos ruidos; unas de estas medidas es la meditación. Esta practica no la realizo, pero debido a la situación estresante que estamos viviendo en Venezuela voy a empezar a practicarla. Gracias por tus publicaciones @chbartist, siempre son instructivas.@chbartist purchased a 74.82% vote from @promobot on this post.
*If you disagree with the reward or content of this post you can purchase a reversal of this vote by using our curation interface http://promovotes.com
I never realized I actually gave my thought's thought, Well I believe in this.
I believe you've got a plan
I have found 3 key ideas in the article You were trying to point out:@chbartist, great thoughts however I find them very general and narrowly expressed. I Strongly believe there is a lot more about the negative thoughts and Your emotional health.
IMHO the main problem is that these techniques and knowledge works only if You have a proper mindset for it.
Probably, we were all trying to meditate but how much people have continued to do that?
The problem is that people want very fast results putting very little effort and they do not understand that this is a practice which requires training and a mindset that is not build in one day. Many people fail to practice it because they do not receive fast result, nor they lives suddenly becomes vivid and colorful. I believe the same ideas applies to writing down Your emotions.
I think Your ideas are great, but IMHO they should be explained more broadly.
Hope You will not find my comment as a criticism.
I strongly believe that You do understand these things, but my advice would be to get into more details especially if You are targeting the general public.
i think meditation and yoga will help to overcome it.
Negative thoughts are not so negative. They can be much helpful
I just play video games it’s great for letting out the negative things.
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @chbartist!
sir @chbartist your #fresh thinker is really helpful for our body and mind . i follow your term and condition .now i realize what a great man and well known man you are sir . i really greatfull for your post . thank you sir @chbartist
Anxiety and overthinking is a bitch. To rise above, we mustn't let them consume our time, kill it and go straight to your goals!
I try what you said that wrote a sheet of paper my negative feeling and burn it
Posted using Partiko Android
Have a mugshot and downvote for your amazing capacity to inundate trending with your mediocre self help trash.. We have used book stores full of your deepak crapra for pennies for a reason..
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear #chbartist , Fluent and accurate presentation on content. Only the reader can easily understand the matter. There is a difference in thought. This writing is easy to guess. The horse of science is unbroken. Rao does not know where he stops. Preventing negative thoughts, delaying work, and ending the work. Even forced to commit suicide. On the other hand, positive thinking makes all the activities easier and faster. The issues are now universally recognized by the public. Which is clear in your writing. Thank you very much for such a useful post. From Bangladesh
Loved your post 😍@chbartist, yes all that you had mentioned are absolutely right and bringing ourself into state of positive mind will have kind of positive feeling In our heart and positive goal in our mind
Negative thinking will have a great effect on our health as well. Rather doing it, might as well see things on a positive side. We only die once so better do great things, cultivate ideas, travel more, learn new cultures, impart with the society and for sure you will have a new set of perspectives and see things and deal life on a positive note.
It's hard to avoid negative thinking. On the other hand it is also right that it fetches no peace in our mind.
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Asi es @chbartist. Mientras el corazón y la mente estén llenos de sentimientos y pensamientos negativos, viviremos en un constante error y dañaremos a las personas que tenemos alrededor.
Meditation is great for clearing the mind and providing space for forging positive thinking and reflecting on the efforts necessary to pursue the paths of our goals. This allows us to continue adapting towards the goals accordingly.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I don't focus on people when they are in a negative state. The frequency itself is toxic. Granted I consider myself to be spiritually protected there are still some things that I avoid. The average person doesn't even believe in the aura never mind respecting it enough to keep it clean from negative debris. Spiritual parasitic entities that suck your soul moving through your ancestral lineage, passing on those generational curses we all have to eventually overcome. Consider this to be the root cause of distress on a human level. To still the body and calm the mind will always be the internal medicine to healing the body from the spiritual damage of constant day to day life.
We forget how much an average day can have on the mind/body. Some are walking with heavy weight and pain. As energetic beings we have the power to Transend the mundane routine of the average lives we create for ourselves. We are creators and manifestors and by stilling the mind you will gain a deeper connection with that process and get an idea of how involved you really are. You are creating your reality for the purpose of realizing you create your own reality. Like the cosmic dance of shiva, you are god realizing you are god and moving up and through the funnel. A Positive Mindset Is Cultivated.
The bubbles of thought arise from deep levels of mind and once on the conscious plane it creates positive and negative emotions etc. If we can notice this movement perhaps we can arrest negative thoughts earlier and weaken its power.
Kudos for addressing a subject often considered as a taboo. Mental health problems are such a massive part of our everyday life and tackling negative thoughts have more importance than we would like to think. Everyone would like to think that there's nothing wrong with us and we do not need outside help. It is wrong to assume we can deal with all the negativity by ourselves.
Meditation can be so difficult to start with. It's not easy to try to swipe all the thoughts from your head, it takes skill. I can totally see the benefits of it though. Maybe I should give it another go...
Do you reckon there are other ways of getting started? How about saying something positive to someone else every day? I imagine if we try to give out positive energy we will eventually start getting it back and that can help us as well in a longer run.
Cool post
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This post has received a 65.81 % upvote from @boomerang.
gracias por los consejos
Excellent and inspiring information. We must condition our minds with what we allow to come in via our senses. Even for those who don’t believe in the power of positive thinking, I think would agree on how negative thoughts affects the body and mind visibly.
Negative messages has a lot of demerits. We must certainly avoid it .
Muy buena publicación, es totalmente cierto. Antes no era consciente de que mis pensamientos negativos afectaban mi ánimo y mis disposición para cada día, poco a poco fui mejorando y corrigiendo mi manera de pensar. Hoy en día soy un poco más feliz.
Thanks for the post.
Thanks for the post.
Glass half full to glass half empty..
. Therefore we must always think positively on others so that our minds are calm and make life healthy.
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