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RE: Becoming possessed by Marilyn Manson's - Tourniquet

in #mindset6 years ago

I'm not a Marilyn Manson fan, his music is a bit strange for my taste, however, i believe you did a great job with the video. About the dancing, don't worry about what people may say, if you feel like dancing, just do it. Hiding who you are and showing a very different face just to fit in, won't make you happy.
Keep your personality intact and live your life how you want it. Don't play the game written by others. Good luck :)


Thanks, Erikah :) It's weird how it's hard sometimes. I really enjoyed making this video but I still have moments where I think hmmm... maybe I shouldn't have shared this, people are going to think I'm weird. Then I realise it doesn't matter, even without sharing it people think that! Haha ;D

My pleasure! I know it's hard but no matter how you behave, there will always be someone who thinks you are weird. So you'd rather be yourself and don't be someone you are not just because others don't like you. :)