24th of February 2019
On this day (day 7) of the 8 week challenge that I am undertaking for myself it is a Sunday which means a scheduled rest day in my program. On rest days I like to complete a variety of stretching and foam rolling, as well as active release techniques as well. I stretch every muscle and do 2-3 stretches for each muscle as well.
With foam rolling I like to do my back, quads and glutes, as these area's are easily accessible when foam rolling, as well as being tighter areas on my body. With active release techniques I use a lacrosse ball and place in on/under a particular muscle, in a similar way to the foam roll. Sometimes as well, I will use the lacrosse ball in conjunction with a band and go the a range of motion whilst the lacrosse ball is pressing against that tight muscle.
As an example of this, my traps are tight so I will lay on the ground facing the ceiling with the lacrosse ball on my trap (under my back) and attack a band to a pole of some kind so I can mimic a lat pulldown machine. This allows the lacrosse ball to get in deeper as you let your arm extend back to the starting position, releasing some of those restrictive knots.
Tomorrow is day 8 and calls for back day so tomorrow will be fun!
If anyone following my blog is into cryptocurrency make sure to follow my link to the exchange called Coinspot where you can purchase your cryptocurrency. (ad)