The road to the top is has never been easy and will never be. I knOw some people think the celebs got to the peak at an easy price but that's a wrong thinking. You will have to overcome many hurdles to reach where you envisioned just as Selena Gomez.
I must say she is such a brave and courageous lady. I have learnt alot from her according to this story; never let anxiety, depression or whatever weigh you down. It is possible to overcome any challenge.
I agree, if you think that fame and fortune does not come with a mental and physical price.. then you are gravely mistaken. This is a sacrifice that some realize before reaching for the stars, while others are blindsided by it. I wonder if individuals who are true to themselves, and try to keep their values and morals, suffer worse than those who are already egotistical and have none? I would think this true is some cases. Hard to be judgmental unless you knew each and every one personally. I do not. :-)