The real question that we need to ask ourselves here is: Which one of these worldviews are actually the truth?
You are asking yourself the wrong question. The question to ask is :what is truth?
Conflating subjective experience and objective truth is the biggest mistake of the 20/21st century.
They are not the same.
If you ask my humble opinion, both of these worldviews are correct in their own assessment.
I my not so so humble opinion, you are incorrect.
Trying to conflate subjective experience with truth (verifiable objectivity) only serves to lead yourself (and your readers ) away from reality.
If some train of thought helps you get along and actually do something in order to realize your goals, then I could argue that that worldview is actually true and correct, at least for you and your life.
It would be an incorrect argument, irrelevant of the outcome.
(May I suggest Essential Philosophy? (stefan molyneux)
7 hours long youtube/mp3.
Well worth it. 'philosophy lite', kind of thing.