This is a thoughtful blog, I mean triggers you to think deep. I would say its best to face the situation, learn from it and grow. Unfortunately, there are lot of problems unsolved and they seem to be not possible to resolve, which means have to leave it and do something else. It helps if you have people who encourage you and push you to do stuff that you prevent yourself from doing because of discomfort, coz as you said we are unaware that we are missing out on growing, on facing a problem and trying to resolve it. Definitely running away making things worst, coz believe me as you grow old they became ghosts from the past that haunt you causing such terrible pain, that you provably want to distract yourself.
However, is it ok if we distract ourselves through positive stuff, coz seriously, can't solve all the issues and problems that prevailing and thinking about it puts one to despair. Like if we divert ourselves exercising, doing yoga, doing other activities that keep you engaged and happy?.