Hey Friends!
When your mother in law visits for the weekend, AND she is an alcoholic... (just like my dad)
Then you really need some great quotes to get by..... Haha
It's Saturday evening in Norway, 10.30pm when I'am writing this.
My spouse and his mother is out for dinner with some family members. Thank God I don't have a baby sitter and need to stay at home with our daughter :)
I haven't written earlier today, to be honest it's because I don't know WHAT to write about..
Listen: I just learned English under a year ago, (it is work in process) I barely speak it and I'am as far from a writer as you get.. (Thank you Google Translate) I have read a lot of great post inside Steemit, and it sounds like "all of you" have so much like Real Value to share from you profession/occupation.... I'am Nothing, I don't have an education, I dropped out of school, and started working on the floor..
But don't worry I have my good sides too. I love to talk, I love to listen to people and make them believe in them selves. I ask questions and make them see things from another perspective. Often that's all it takes if you are stuck or "off track". Remember:
"You Can't Solve A Problem With The Same Mind That Created It"
"Asking For Help Is Not A Sign Of Weakness, But A Sign Of Strength"
Which Picture Do You Like The Best ?
I Like'em all !
___ 2.
___ 4.
___ 6.
Thank you for taking the time to read MY post!
Take Care,
(The reason I got the nickname "Missbillionaire" or "MB" is from one of my billionaire friends, and I said when I first met him "I'am becoming a Millionaire" And he's responds was
"Why not Billionaire? Everyone is Millionaire these days" :)
Don't you just love the mindset of a Billionaire!!
Great post! I never would have thought you just learned English a year ago. You write so well. And I'm sure you have more to share than you realize. You have a daughter, so that sounds like a ton of parenting info and possibly funny stories too??!
Of your pictures, I think I like the business one best. I like his way of thinking, starting 10 so he's sure to have a winner!