interesting article which documented the growth of JSON activity on the Chain.@taskmaster4450 posted an
A couple of days ago after making some claims on it was made all the more evident to me the vast amount of activity on the Chain which has little to do with blogging.
But then again, as proven many a time, it seems that there are many who believe that everything and everyone has a price!
The link seems to be lost to me, behind a login wall.
JSON does have a cost, though, in RCs.
Any link to the announcement?
the one on Medium, earlier
Thanks for the shot. Pretty big sounding news. One wonders why there is not much noise of it on STEEM.
Well, our famous EOS, oops, I meant Steem Witness, Luke popped out of nowhere with his halo all polished up!
Ned came out of nowhere with more sarcasm and absolutely no Vaseline in his message.
So, yeah, it's out there.
Guess when some private business uses its stake to sell an entire community of people from all over the world, without any communications before hand about it, then there are no smiles anywhere except for those few who took the money and are laughing all the way to the bank.
Man, how this makes for a meme about "slave trading", but that would be so non PC!