Elon Musk has done what no other human being has done

in #mindsnapnow4 months ago

👽With a giant mechanical arm and a lot of engineering wizardry, Elon Musk, In God-like fashion, has managed to do what no other human being has ever done: Catch a booster rocket falling back to Earth after delivering a package to orbit. News of the great event has GONGED the entire planet. The SpaceX CEO now stands on top of the highest podium on SpaceShipEarth, higher even than any head of state. Everybody knows who Elon Musk is and everybody will stop and listen to his words. For all the rest of the days of Elon's life he will have a huge effect on steering the future into a space age SuperWorld. No doubt, his speech-writers are busy putting speeches together for him. The following is a free speech I am giving to Elon in thanks for all he has accomplished so far as a space-conquering SuperWizard.

Free Speech: There is nothing that cannot be achieved with enough focused mind power. The whole universe is the creation of the mind of a God. It was only a short while ago when the thought of catching falling rockets with a giant mechanical arm was just an idea in my head. Hundreds of thousands of engineering hours later SpaceX engineers have made it a reality. There is nothing that cannot be done with enough focused mind power.

Lets focus our collective SuperMinds so we can do the big stuff that has to be done if we want to fix the planet and live happy forever. We want a planet that is free of stupid wars. How? We, the sane people of the planet MindLink across all borders (on our pale blue dot) to become MindMembers of the same global SuperGroup -- the SuperTribe of SpaceShipEarth with mission to build fleets of DragonFly Asteroid Miners so we can INVADE THE ASTEROID BELT, harvest the enormous wealth contained in the asteroid belt, stop all stupid wars, save HumanKind from the next-coming killer comet that is coming and impress God.

It is not all going to get done before next Wednesday. Doesn't matter. What matters is: we get it started. It is not that difficult. Ideas can travel from mind to mind to mind via Starlink and the rest of the internet invisibly. Flood the idea package (THE SuperTribe's ASTEROID INVASION) starting right now into the minds of the global public including the Russian people and it won't be long before nobody will be taking any more orders off the Kremlin killer guy. The insane, bitty-brained Ukraine invasion stops. THE ASTEROID BELT INVASION BEGINS.

Alias, Alien
boing boing