
this is stupid hes making money on others work and you guys are helping him :(

Don't bother... I have 24 cores and it went up yesterday from 1000 minutes per block to 17000 to 33000 minutes a block last night, if you want to spend 12 to 24 days to gain $2.00's then carry on, if you've got 4 cores, then you'll never gain costs. Ubuntu is the easiest setup, particularly if your using an Apple Mac (just use a virtual machine). Apple Mac OS X setup is continually fraught with problems, and suffers from fragmented and poor instructions, and lack of people to consult who can diagnose the issues that arise. I had the system working a couple of times, but then it would just break for no apparent reason.

i never even got to find one block :(

I arrived too late as well. After much fiddling I finally got my miner working just as rabbit and supercomputer were taking over.

yeah, well I was only the day before! It would have been vaguely worthwhile on my machine, but really wear and tear on computer and increased energy consumption, the amount of time to get it working in the first place... your really just better off buying your coins.

true in a purely short term profit scenario but if everyone had that approach then the hashrate would drop leaving the network open to attack.

If you really believe in a project you should add support wherever you are able to contribute, I myself have supported many coins/projects not for gain but for the simple fact that I wanted them to survive.

on a more positive note i found 2 blocks w00t

The bigger question is is it worth even trying to mine now that supercomputing and rabbit have pretty much overtaken the mining for steem, just take a look at the miner-witness queue on

I plan on giving it a shot. I"m sure as the company grows there will be back doors into the mining.

Do try it, even if it is just for the learning experience.

I was mining for a few days and recently just gave up getting a bit discouraged by the results...

I have time and will research my best on how to effectively mine Steemit. I'll give an update in the future to tell all what i have found useful.

You can check a guide about mining that I have written a while ago as well as the comments below, they might be useful:

I would love to know if there is a way that we can figure out what kind of hashing power they are bringing.

The best Ubuntu install instructions are here:

I outline the one problem I had on that page in the comments section.

It seems that it was not a lot of hashing power brought to mine, but instead was a bug that has been abused by the user to overtake the witness-mining queue... it is apparently going to be fixed with a hardfork.

More details here:

Thanks Cryptos. I'll check out your guide.