Because Sex Pistols' Anarchy In The UK was in 1976 or 1977 and 35 years from that was when Mars Curiosity Rover was born. Gabba Gabba Hey was a popular phrase in The Ramones' song Pinhead. The Ramones disbanded in 1996, so 16 years from that, is 2011 as well. Marilyn Manson sang a song on Mars is dead. Mick Jagger's song on Satisfaction had curiosity in it and since it killed the cat, the name must be Mars' Curiosity Rover. Ellipse around the sun is the orbit. I'm guessing it's Mars' orbit but Earth's orbit made more sense in my answer. It sings a Happy Birthday song each year but no one listens.
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Or maybe because it's almost 2 years, there's no Bday song?
Oops! You're completely right, I mixed up earth years and Mars years 😁
Happy Birthday was the correct answer, Curiosity only sang it once to himself but never again after it's first birthday. Announcement and payout will come later today! Congratulations 😃🎉