### I thought that by getting rid of all the extra things around me taking up space, I'd be left with the stuff that really matters, and I could more clearly see who I am.
So I'm left with the things I take pride in/ use frequently: my race medals, my computer, some running clothes, running shoes, my diploma, etc. and I thought that visually seeing the important things would clear up who I am and what I am not.
I'm a runner. I'm a teacher. I'm an entrepreneur. I'm a college graduate. I'm a minimalist. I value experiences over things... ### but all these labels left me feeling more empty than affirmed. Because I'm beginning to see that the process of stripping away all the unnecessary things is revealing that there is really nothing worth holding onto at all, even these labels.
I'm not what I've accomplished, what I can do, or what I can't do.
I'm constantly creating myself into who I want to be and I'm everything in between what I consider to be good and bad or right and wrong.
This can't be represented through what physical things I choose to hold onto. Which is why I think I'm finally getting the whole point of living more simply. Before this process, I would've thought that if you were to take away one of my essential, prized possessions, I would be upset and sad about it.
But now... I can honestly say that if everything I owned was gone tomorrow, I'd be more annoyed out of inconvenience than sad. And that's where I am with all this minimalist stuff right now. Just wanted to share some thoughts.
I identify with this in so many levels. I am traveling with a $10 usd daily budget, my only rule is focus on the wants, not the needs and you will have no problem.
It is amazing to see how little we truly need to be happy. The moment you get rid of all those things you don´t need you start apreciating the value of the small things, those we cherish when we are old, the ones that makes your life worth living.
I don´t want your upvote, but you should really read my non-related to adventure posts, the ones that speak about life, read a few, I would love a convo about life and thoughts about them.
Tip: It is easier to read if you separate the paragraphs, and also, add some pictures, you´d be amazed the boost your posts get if between every paragraph you add a pic (that you own or properly post the source).
Thank you for sharing all of this! Oh many I've been having this problem with formatting. The second I put the picture in, it deletes all the formatting and line breaks I already put in :( Do you know how to fix this? And YES! I've followed you and look forward to reading more of you work and keeping in touch.
Also, 2 mini questions:
and 2. Did you mean focus on the needs, not the wants?
Three mini answers:
Do not put the picture directly, it will mess up your work. Open a photobucket account or a imgur account (It´s easy and fast, don´t be lazy hehe) and upload the pics there. Then just use the "share link" to put pics in there.
Put two * at the beginning and at the end of the sentence you want to bold.
Yes... my mistake, focus on the needs...
In the end, you will have your sentence, then on another sentence the link to your pic, and then in another sentence you continue. That is how I achieve the format of my posts.
Whoo! Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I will go ahead and create one of those accounts now :)