Dear Nathan,
I am interested to learn more about you. Is your choice to be a minimalist derived from a spiritual process or from life experience that you have had. I know that you mentioned when you were younger you had spent your money more carelessly. Also where are you originally from if you don't mind me asking? I am just curious. I am from Niagara Falls Canada originally, but I am a combination of Italian, Western European decent. I find it fascinating to discover someones history, and to learn more about them. I guess I am a very curious person. So as a person who is a minimalist what sort of activities do you enjoy most eg. walks, bike rides, cooking etc? I have found that my happiest moments are the ones in which I am with my loved ones, in the sunshine, fresh breeze on my face and so on. Thank you for this post. You inspire all of us to be wise stewards of our money and you are making us more conscious of how we manage it.
Talk soon,
Mama Kawaii