CAN IT FIT? Challenge accepted.

in #mining8 years ago (edited)

What is good in the hood everyone,

Today I got some tips from a buddy about some relatively easy coin mining. Me not being much of a miner decided lets give it a shot. @crypto2day

The steps were relatively simple. I just needed one key element added to my pc for some low-cost low-profit mining. You know that newb level starter mining.


Alright, I found me an extra HDD lying around from a previous PC I had torn apart. Greatness.

Now here was where the hard part was. My pc was a custom built one but it was a shitty little case because, well, I was broke and cheap AF back then.

Ah, struggle be real. It was the Rosewill Micro ATX Mini Tower Computer Case SRM-01. Now for those who don't know. This is probably the best case you can get for about 20$ give or take a few dollars.

The downside, on t he other hand was that it was tiny little shit. You can probably fit 2 regular size hard drives and a decent size graphics card. Which I did and THEN some. Nothing fancy but it worked.

Right, back to the story.

I had an extra hard drive and needed it in there somehow while not affecting the parts. So I opened her up. Took out the graphics card. Some screws and faced my first dilemma. No god damn space.


Being the unyielding and stubborn person that I am. I decided. No. It will fit and if it doesn't, I will make it fit!

So then I began. Moved all the wires. Played with the different spots and finally decided I only had one place to put it because I already used the microscopic amount of space I had.

Here's a picture to really get you to understand what I was dealing with.

The PC. The hidden HDD in there plus that tiny HDD at the bottom and where I had to put the new one circled in red. SMH.

Alright. Now figuring out how the hell I was going to make it fit and keep it in place...

Making it fit. No problem. Just plug it and throw it in there.

Securing it in that spot for safety... A FUCKING NIGHTMARE.

See all those convenient looking holes? You would imagine I may be able to screw the HDD from the side as even the hard drive had the screw holes preinstalled.

WELL NOPE. Wouldn't fit.

The holes practically looked like a pig that was just disappointed I even thought of trying there.

Oho. You think your all that huh, Mr.Pig? Well, just watch me, you little shit!

So I resorted to the only thing I had.



Now with these babies. I ended up trying to secure it in its new homes. Now I know. YES. ITS A CD DRIVER SLOT. I DONT HAVE ONE. SO ITS A NEW HDD DRIVE SLOT NOW..... :D

So I punched through some holes into that pigs eyes. NOT SO FUNNY NOW Mr. PIG.

Anyways, after some struggling I managed to get the first side locked down to the HDD but my god. The second one was an even bigger challenge.

I had to literally pull out a pair of tweezers from my soldering kit as if this was the board game OPERATION then Struggle like a surgeon with absolutely no depth perception trying to get them zipties to fit.

You think i'm joking ? Well looky here bud. I had about two inches of space to fit my normal human size hands with a tweezer and I even managed to get you guys a surprise video of SUCCESS.


Here is success at its FINEST.

ehehe. I sorted the wires and closed up.


Well, that's the story folks. Hope you enjoyed my little adventure here today. I hope if you learned anything it is that you should never ever give up. Even when your imagination mocks you with fictiously dick pigs.

Let me know what you thought. Always love the comments from my fellow steemians.

#PC STRUGGLES # Lack depth of perception # When there is a will there is always a way.


Bruv... you are the MacGyver of tech lol
I don't know how the hell you fit your hands in there to secure that drive.

Great thinking though about using the extra drive slot for your HDD...
innovation seems to be the key with that bad boy you have there lol.

I know of a couple pools that are working well and payout pretty good also so just get at me when you need some more help 😉.

Thanks lol, gotta make due with what ya got (;

@holoz0r would be a good person to talk to about mining I think too?

Appreciate the info saywha! Thanks