My plan to mine Burst completely off solar for less than $20 - Part 1 the plan

in #mining8 years ago (edited)

Here is a list of items I plan to use in this project - Total=$88 if you have buy everything:

  1. 40 watt solar panel
  2. Cheap charge controller
  3. Orange pi one
  4. 12 volt battery
  5. Micro SD card
  6. External Harddrive

I'm going to start out by giving you all a list of things I plan to purchase and how much it's going to cost. The solar panel will be a homemade on that I made using some cheap solar cells I got on ebay for > $10. The glass I used on them was scrap and didn't cost me a dime. The caulking I also had laying around. So all in all, I got a 40 watt solar panel for $10. I'm not going to get into the specifics on how to make the panel as that would require a whole new post in it's own. There's plenty of information out there on how to do this or I could make one and post it up here. Here is my panel:

You can outright buy the panel if you would rather go that route for $38+$7.60 shipping if you would rather go that route here:
[40 watt panel]

I already have the panel, battery, panel, sd card, charge controller, and external harddrive. So my only cost is going to be The Orange pi one. Wiring is pretty simple. You hook up the charge controller to the battery where it shows to on the controller, then hook up the solar panel where it shows. As for powering the Pi? I recommend using a cigarette lighter plug($1 on ebay). Then you're going to want the 12 volt plug that plugs into it for power. It should only be $5 or so at the most on ebay.
This is what you're looking for:
12 volt plug

After that, it's just a matter of flashing the operating system to the sd card, plugging in the external harddrive, connecting to wifi, installing the burst mining software, and then mining! I would not recommend you invest in all of this if you're going to have to buy everything. You'll probably never get your money back. However, it is going to be a fun weekend project for me to do. I'll update further when the Orange pi comes with pictures of the setup and screenshots of the mining. Happy mining!

Here is a link to the solar cells - $28.99:
[Link to cells]

I won an auction for mine and ended up getting them for less than $10! (

Link to a cheap charge controller that will work for our project just fine - $4.77:
[Link to charge controller]

Link to the Orange pi lite SBC for $17
[Orange pie lite]

Link to an 8gb Micro SD card for $2.87
[Micro SD Card]

External Harddrive - 1 tb $17.99
[1tb External Harddrive]

12 volt 7 AH battery - $16.48
[12 volt battery]

Total cost if you were to need to buy everything? $88

I already have the panel, battery, panel, sd card, charge controller, and external harddrive. So my only cost is going to be The Orange pi one