Very nicely detailed post. A couple suggestions by me:
I use Jaxx as my wallet and can store ZCash directly there - no need to auto convert first. Jaxx stores multiple currencies and is worth a look.
Suprnova is a pretty decent pool for most coins. I've been really happy with their interface and quick payouts, as well as the convenience of having one universal login across all of their domains.
Save a bat file for each different coin you mine. Once set up and it's stable, you no longer have to edit the command line config every time. So for EWBF's miner, I have batch files such as Start-Zcash.bat, Start-Zen.bat, Start-Hush.bat and so on.
Get solar power! This is nowhere as simple as the previous three tips of course, but hey. My house has a few panels on the roof bringing in more than we spend on electricity every month. I'm able to run a rig of 7 GTX 1070s at zero electricity cost as a result, and this seriously adds up over time. You're still, like the article says, able to be profitable even with high elec costs at the moment, but if you're keen to get mining then look into solar as a long term investment (plus, mining aside, it's just so much better for the planet!).
I do use Jaxx wallet but generally not for storing coin.
Suprnova is decent but has had issues I prefer nanopool but either would be fine.
Good advice. This is what I do too I will add a line to my blog as I figured most people would just do it that way without being told.
Solar would be amazing. I just don't have 20k to drop on it right now :D