While I use and support Genesis-Mining, I'll never debate the fact that difficulty increases can hinder and most likely will negatively effect ROI. Especially if the value of the coin stays the same during difficulty increases.
But I must point out that while this is an informative post with a valuable message, the End May 100 and End June 270k difficulty comparison is inaccurate. These number would be more accurate mentioning that it was 100k in the BEGINNING of May..not the end, which was 228k. Right now as I post this it is 240k. Meaning from the End of May - End of June it has hardly changed.
In conclusion, I agree that it can have some risks. And definitely can agree that it has affected your investment over the past 2-3 months. This is why in all my videos promoting Genesis, I recommended doing research and mention that the calculations vary according to price and difficulty.