Thanks for this guide! I am getting 8.2MH's on my 2017 15" MacBook Pro with the Radeon Pro 560. I have a sonnet eGPU enclosure attached with the included Sapphire RX580 8gb. It is getting just shy of 19MH/s with the stock firmware. I may try flashing a different firmware for faster hashing.
One note, at 8MH/s thats about $3 per week after subtracting the cost of the about 50w of power the computer consumes. Thats pretty impressive honestly for a laptop. It really is low power. The GPU only consumes 35w. Probably less power with the display off too.
Sounds cool! Thank you for sharing your result :)
So I updated to 10.13.2 today and it lowered my performance quite a bit. I recompiled but that did not help. Went down to 7.2MH/s on the RP570 and 14.8MH/s on the RX580. Any ideas how to solve this?
Try below on terminal before starting mining.
And it may be helpful adding '--cl-local-work 256' option to the end of your ethminer options.
That helped a tiny bit. Up to 7.8MH/s on the RP560 and 15.2MH/s on the RX580... This is just weird. The only thing that changed was the software update.
I'm sorry to say that maybe Apple has to optimize device drivers more for 10.13.2
I have almost the same set up and ran into the same issue ☹️