Mining And Decentralization

in #mining3 years ago

If you believe in decentralization because it is permisionless why not include mining in the same thinking, while it's a core part of it
meaning - leave the race for faster devices to the companies and parties wanting to participate in it ?
if you want to have more wide distribution, maybe time to start thinking as decentrlaizaed profile as the basics? if people/companies got profiles in the system / recorder somwhere in the core? / it could be easier to distribute mining ? by profiles instead of just devices ?
it will be interesting experiment and sooner or later there will be distributed profile, working in analogical way google page rank based on links - people will confirm each other to gain trust, but for sure new challenges will arise to discriminate fakes and abusers. Again it will come to the core like devices parts and safety, for example if GPS can be trusted then you could discriminate fakes by location / as long as this cannot be faked, or measured by different parameters too. Or even expect decentralized profiles to interact with reality around, fake profiles (which are based on thousands of other fake profiles) could have it hard to generate interactions recorded in the network (example someone from the network visiting my office, so I record that event).