Blog #35 – We have upgraded our Hashing 24 mining contract

in #mining8 years ago

Today, we have upgraded our Hashing 24 contract, and we have purchased an extra 0.1 TH/s of SHA-256 hashpower.

The latest upgrade brings our total Hashing 24 Bitcoin hashpower to 1.5 TH/s.

It will take approximately 24 hours for the upgraded hashpower to be reflected in our pay-outs. Tomorrow’s pay will be slightly lower than the following day.

Our Genesis Mining Bitcoin (SHA-256) hashrate remains at a steady 14.7 TH/s; the latest Genesis Mining Bitcoin pay-out yesterday was at 21:43 (BST) with 14.7 TH/s (SHA-256) yielded 0.00523337 of Bitcoin.


At the time of writing, the current price of Bitcoin is £1,677.14. The total current circulating supply of Bitcoin is 16,346,287; it has a market cap of £27,031,271,224.83. The total trading volume of Bitcoin in the past 24 hours was £1,387,458,208.73.


Our Litecoin hashrate remains steady at 8 MH/s; the current price of Litecoin at the time of writing is £19.12.

The total current circulating supply of Litecoin is 51,228,207 units; it has a market cap of £1,097,586,928.83. The total trading volume of Litecoin in the past 24 hours was £122,214,874.94.

Our last Genesis Mining Litecoin pay-out was today at 05:46 (BST) with 8 MH/s yielded 0.01397007 of Litecoin.


We also have 1,085 MH/s of X11 hashpower mining Dash. The price of Dash at the time of writing is £92.69.

Our last Genesis Mining Dash pay-out yesterday was at 22:27 (BST) with 1,085 MH/s yielded 0.26996753 of Dash.

The total circulating supply of Dash is 7,312,681 units; it has a market cap of £774,508,574.70. The total trading volume of Dash in the last 24 hours was £73,341,339.90.

Bitcoin (SHA-256) hashrate remains at a steady 0.7 TH/s.

Hashing 24
Bitcoin (SHA-256) hashrate remains at a steady 1.5 TH/s.

If you would like to show us your support when you next upgrade your hashpower, then please use our Genesis Mining and Hashing 24 discounts. We would we appreciate this, as it helps fund our faucet.

Genesis Mining 3% discount code is i5zhK6
Hashing 24 4% discount code is Z7WDN3E6

We hope you have enjoyed the daily roundup of our mining venture. Please leave feedback in the comments section below if you haven’t done so already. Also, why not browse our other articles or watch one of our videos? You will find them useful and interesting.


how has the lowest fees ? is it genesis mining or hashing24?? looking to try it out

Genesis Mining has the lowest maintenance fee they are 0.00005 USD cheaper per GH/s per day. However, they are currently of stock of SHA-256 (Bitcoin) contracts.

Genesis Mining Maintenance Fee: $0.00028 per GH/s per day
Hashing 24 Maintenance Fee: $0.00033 per GH/s per day

Hashing 24 exclusively mines Bitcoin.