Burstcoin Mining

in #mining8 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends!

Today I made a youtube tutorial about burstcoin mining

What is burst ?

Burst is a crypto coin like none other !

(except siacoin hmm...but I will write about that in another post)

So burst is based on proof of capacity meaning it requiers space from your hard. So take all your old and dusty hardrives or sticks and start mining burst now!

I Mine Burst and tested it since last year , more exact I started mining burst after the bitcoin halving. I didn't know what to expect .

But the months passed and I watched youtube videos of IMineBlocks (here is @imineblocks) and Adam Guerbuez

Until...In a video Adam mentions that burst has a small chance to enter Steam community (Steam games is a large comunity made from gamers and games enthusiasts).
That my friends is a huge, huge deal, because that means burstcoin will have and offer and demand on the market. The same thing happened with dash after the designers of the coin said they will implement ASIC mining and of course the launch of the dash app and weekly show on youtube. This things influence the positive fluctuation of the coin.
And finally burstcoin got a point, It got a demand! But that wasnt over!
On burst the designers started making assets and of course other people started making assets as well.
This things influence again the burstcoin in a positive way.
In a future post I will write more about the burst assets, how to make and how to buy them

But let us return to my tutorial!

The official page for burst is :

To start press up and download wallet and chose what type, be better and secure one is the pc or local wallet:

Press download and now go down and download olso the blockchain : https://web.burst-team.us/index.php/wallets/


Now after downloading both unzip the blockhain in the burst wallet, the file name is starts with DB. and replace it in the wallet.
After that start the wallet
If you canot see the screen or writing or anything ...that means you will need JAVA. (at least version 7)
Install JAVA (only if you need it) and the go on the left side of the window up and press add wallet
Make a passphrase and copy your adress into a notepad.
Press start mining and in the middle of the screen you will see your hard drives, chose any of them and press PLOT , then wait until it is done ( it depends from 2h till 24 or more depending on the size of the drives)
When it is done press CHOSE POOL and chose a pool from the list, then press CHANGE REWARD ASSIGNMENT and put up your passpharese and reward (adress of the pool)
Now just press start mining ( first one -AVX mining)
A funny logo will appear and it will give you information about plots and pool...

The miner will start after 4 blocks!

For me that is 16 minutes

And that was is, you are now mining burst coins!

Now this was just the first post that I made here about burst, in my future posts I will write about, how to chose a good pool, assets exchange and making and of course burst faucets and games!

If you want to register to genesis mining use this link:


If you want to buy a contract just use this code and you will have 3 % off :

I am Cynetyc and I approve this message about Burst!Happy Mining!


nice post @cynetyc

Thank you very much @silvia!

I don't mine Burstcoin myself. But I own the Casino Asset.

That is awesome @exyle ! The burst casino asset makes huge profit

is a good asset i think it will be getting even better after the bitsler deal i have some as well

Sounds like a good coin to invest , good job on your tutorial @cynetyc!

Thank you @fevronia!

I love it well done man!

Thanks @mindlock!

Excellent post, dear friend @cynetyc, thank you very much for the information

Thanks very much @jlufer, much apreciated!

Thank you , good work .