This is a small update and I'm still at .58 TH/s, but by tomorrow I should be at 0.59 TH/s. I'm going to be building my way to 1 TH/s as fast as I can. I like it because every 3 days at the most I'll be able to reinvest to get 10 GHS. I wish I could upgrade every day, but I'm not at that point yet.
Within the next few weeks I believe I will be very close to reaching this goal, or at least being able to reinvest every other day. I'm hoping that the price of bitcoin either stays at a stable price or goes up because it helps my earnings. Well we'll see what happens within the next few weeks.
I also use Hashflare, and currently have a 1 TH plan. I chose to buy 1 TH outright as for about $120 I would earn about $1 a day at market rates, minus fees.
I feel that bitcoin difficulty will pay out less and less over the next year, so wanted to recoup within the first 6 months. Thereafter everything is gravy!
That's very wise. Thanks for this :-)