I have followed several guides t mine and I keep getting the same error. I currently have a windows 10 box mining ethereum and I wanted to mine Steem on it.
I keep getting:
initminer public key: XXXXXICHANGEDXXXX
chain id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
946346ms th_a main.cpp:119 main ] Error parsing logging config from config file C:\steem\witness_node_data_dir\config.ini, using default config
946354ms th_a main.cpp:158 main ] parsing options
946358ms th_a main.cpp:160 main ] initializing node
946362ms th_a main.cpp:162 main ] initializing plugins
946388ms th_a application.cpp:979 initialize_plugins ] Initializing plugin account_history
946408ms th_a application.cpp:979 initialize_plugins ] Initializing plugin witness
946420ms th_a witness.cpp:95 plugin_initialize ] witness plugin: plugin_initialize() begin
946449ms th_a witness.cpp:165 plugin_initialize ] 4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error
Unexpected char '-30' in ""
th_a json.cpp:433 fc::variant_from_stream
th_a json.cpp:478 fc::json::from_string
946479ms th_a main.cpp:196 main ] Exiting with error:
4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error
Unexpected char '-30' in ""
th_a json.cpp:433 fc::variant_from_stream
th_a json.cpp:478 fc::json::from_string
th_a witness.cpp:165 steemit::witness_plugin::witness_plugin::plugin_initialize
Can someone help me out here?
I tried with all the Private keys I could find inside my steem wallet, which one should I use?
Private key: Permissions -> Active (show)
If if you still get the same error, please paste your config.ini here removing the private key from it
mate, I try to generate my active private key going to where you have described above.
when i click show it asks me to login, i enter my password and it accepts it but it does not show my key. I have tried both my main password and posting private key.
Am i doing something wrong?
thanks for any help you can give me!
Why don't you try a different browser? Or maybe open and close it.
I use Chrome and I see my keys just fine.
Thanks for the reply, I have tried chrome and firefox but i the same thing happens.
and the old open and close trick was my go to! thanks anyway buddy
Chrome sometimes does weird things
How much steem do you make by mining in a day ballpark?
I have no idea! :)
Hi @r3b37 ,
Thank you for the reply!
I can confirm that is the key I am using. Here is the config file info ( do you need the whole thing?).
name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )
witness = erik-prestinary
name of miner and its private key (e.g. ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"] )
miner = ["erik-prestinary",”5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”]
Number of threads to use for proof of work mining
mining-threads = 1
witness = erik-prestinary
witness = "erik-prestinary"
and try to see the active private key from chrome browser
Have you tried following these guides closely?
I have very similar issues any help would be appreciated: https://ibb.co/hWTssa
have you removed #'s from the config.ini file when adding your account information?
Yes I did remove them.