Hi my name is Danny and i've been mining Altcoins for the 6 months

in #mining9 years ago (edited)


         I've been mining alt-coins for the last year, when i first started i thought yeah this will be so easy all i had to do was get a couple off graphics cards in my pc and the coins will be rolling in. But it seems things never work out that way.  It all started with ordering the graphics cards online and too my dismay they took forever too arrive, i had bought them off E-bay thinking i could get a deal, i got a deal all right 3 weeks for the graphics cards too arrive and one was faulty... $600 bucks and only one working graphics card. Well i put the one working card in and got the card setup which wasn't too hard. I finally got the mining software going after a day off tinkering around and trying to configure the software to perform right and myself not being a computer wiz nearly ended up pulling my hair out from the frustration anyways i got my one card working chugging away mining getting a good 18 kHz.

        But at this rate it seemed like forever before i would get the R.O.I on the 2 cards i got simply cause one off the cards were faulty and the cards took so long to come i couldn't return them to the guy that sold them too me. So with one card sitting on the shelf and one installed and working i thought i would dig into my savings and buy a few more cards and try to set up a nice rig like the ones the other miners were doing. That's my second mistake like i said i was no genius at the mining software and not only that i found out i was hopeless at putting computers together also but i thought damn it i'm gonna try anyways... don't get me wrong i really like mining and everything that comes with it but simply put its a tough job or lets say hobby and expensive one at that. I finally put together 2 rigs 6 graphics cards in each and they've been mining away for bit now, so slowly seeing some return on my investment. What i'm trying too say is if your new and want too try mining Bitcoin or alt-coins make sure you get all the information you can find and make sure you have all the tools and equipment ready at hand use when something goes wrong e.g get extra pci-e risers trust me you'll need them. Finally don't be afraid too ask for help because the help from the mining community was great they were always very helpful and informative. Anyways all in all it was a great learning experience with ups and downs, now i got my 12 cards chugging away stable and I'm fairly happy with my little mining venture. 

     My name is Danny and I've been mining Alt-coins. Cheers .