How Irkutsk became the Russian Capital of Mining

in #mining7 years ago

In the spring of 2017 the world bitcoin-fever began. At the beginning of the year, the value of the crypto currency was $ 600, and in the beginning of September the rate for the first time exceeded $ 5000. Rapid growth attracted the attention of novice investors and amateurs in the digital currency market: it is believed that they remain the main buyers. In most countries, crypto-currencies have not yet been formally recognized. In Russia they are not officially banned, and the legislation regulating them can appear until the end of the autumn session. The main capital of the country is Irkutsk. A special correspondent for Novaya Gazeta, Pavel Kanygin, talked about mining bitcoins with Irkutsk engineer Yuri Dromashko.

A year ago, Dromashko sold the apartment and took out a loan. The money he spent on the purchase of computers and the creation of a farm for mining bitcoins. Now hundreds of computers bring Dromashko a steady income: he does not say how much money he earned through mining, and calls his farm "average" for Irkutsk. The city became the capital of the city because of cheap electricity.

According to Dromashko, the energy consumption of his miners is 2.5 megawatts, which roughly covers the needs of 9-10 thousand average Russian apartments. In Irkutsk, one kilowatt costs an average of one ruble for the population and about two for businesses. In Moscow, a kilowatt costs five. In addition to the farm, Dromashko has a karaoke café, but this business can not be called profitable.

"Sometimes a thousand rubles can be earned a month, sometimes two. Recently they robbed the cooks and scribbled the abbreviation AUA on the kitchen wall. This world still exists, although it does not blossom as before. But a new world appears, and Irkutsk has fallen to be its center. I tell everyone: guys, quit practicing garbage, get busy, the region has a chance. Not all of us are associated with the crisis and hawthorn. "
The sharp increase in interest in crypto-currencies Dromashko explains the people's fatigue from total control. The demand for free information exchange and freedom in the financial sphere is growing in the society, he is sure. "I just want to breathe a simple commerce, but they do not give it! The bureaucratization, inspections, inspections make small and medium business in the country simply unrealistic, "says the engineer.

Crypto-currencies like Dromashko horizontal structure: anyone can buy crypto currency, and its value is determined by the classical market way, on the exchange. The mad rush around bitcoin continues to push the price up. When asked about the availability of bitcoins, the owner of the farm answers that the crypto currency is provided with faith.

"In our case, a belief in the future, where savings will be maximally protected by the technology of blockade. Although any currency is supported today not only by faith, but, of course, by the military power of its country, politics, financial services. Here is the same Putin said recently that crypto-currencies should be used in our country. If Putin talks about this, then there is some understanding in the elites or there is a need. Shuvalov is worried about this topic, she is commented on by Gref ... ".
Interest in bitcoins from the authorities and large corporations Dromashko considers a good sign. Their interest and attempts to sort out the legalization of crypto-currency. he is sure. "They also understand that money is crazy, but the state now needs any money. And the market itself needs clear, transparent rules, so that both business and citizens can protect their capital, "says the engineer. According to him, the regulation of the crypto-currency market should be calm. If Russia legalizes bitcoin and registers all holders of crypto currency in the registry, it will solve many problems, in particular, cut off those who are connected with crime. "At the same time, there will still remain crypto-currencies, in which anonymity is a basic principle," he concludes.

The day before it became known that the legislation that regulates kriptopolyuty in Russia, may appear until the end of the fall session of the State Duma. In the near future, the State Duma will create a working group that will deal with bills related to crypto-currencies. And already next week Aksakov plans to hold a meeting on the regulation of the crypto-currency, in which representatives of the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the expert community will participate.


Good report. Gives a more holistic view than main media that keeps portraying a (purposely) distorted view of mining can be done in the countryside of China by a few people.