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RE: Genesis Miners Unite!

in #mining8 years ago

No, Bi5h0p, we own contracts and we want to see them fulfilling their end.
Plain and simple.
Hodl is better than mine, or at least so it worked out for me. But that isn't the issue here. We own shares in their mining operation, we own contracts.


But the contracts are only good if the other party is around to be prosecuted, in a court of law. And, they are probably betting that you don't have the time, money, or wherewithall to be able to sue them - before they get out of dodge.

IDK - maybe they'll come through and make their end of the contract good, by compensating everybody for what they failed to do, so far...?

And that is why we must UNITE. GM has over 500,000 customers, I bet there are some good and pissed (US! not UK!) lawyers among us.

A lawsuit could just cause them to fold up shop, at this point. Really, the only people who are going to "win" here are the lawyers, themselves. I know - I used to work for a very good one.

I don't need to win, personally. I knew I could lose that money.
I just don't want to see GM win and screw us all.

Well, hopefully this is just some tech. growing pains. Cryptos are going through massive changes - so that could just be the case, and everything will still turn out fine. It's just hard to keep your cool, in the meantime, when there is uncertainty in the overall situation - with many, many people involved.

Actually, learning how to manage yourself during periods of uncertainty is a skillset. This is a great opportunity for people to learn how to handle their $#!t.

Another reason to UNITE. When you can share your worries things feel a bit easier, better even.