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RE: BitMiner's Union - Update AUG 8th

in #mining8 years ago

Have you seen the Marco Streng video where he goes into his transparency gibberish? All the while avoiding the actual issue of PAYOUTS. How arrogant this fancy lad is. Probably on his direct orders as CEO of Genesis Lying (Inc.), all employees treat the customers as if they are toddlers:
"It's ok lil Joey, big daddy will give you your coins if you're a good lil boy and be quiet and don't ask hard questions."
"But, what about those bad hacker men you said got into the mine carts?"
"No, lil Joey, remember we talked about this before we got into the mine."
"Talked about what, daddy?"
Tussles lil Joey's coin-dusted locks "Here's a fragment of Bitcoin I found under the couch."
"But, daddy, I've retained counsel and you'll be soon served with a summons."
"Run along and play with your other miner friends Lyvon Lames and Crack Rant. They won't steer you wrong or lie to you."
Meanwhile, usemycodeusemycodeusemycode and I won't use yours.


We should send this Streng character a dictionary. I think he doesn't quite understand what the word "transparent" means. There is absolutely NOTHING that could be considered even remotely resembling transparency about Genesis. They have a building that produces a lot of noise and if we pay them first, they will throw us some small parts of our money back at irregular intervals and in unpredictable amounts.