My Elmo is not the Cute and Friendly One on Sesame Street
How far will you go for money? Sometimes I ask myself this around noon everyday here in Florida because not only is the humidity unbearable outside around this time of year, I have managed to bring that same heat source feel into my own bedroom. All in the name of mining, the relentless quest to bring in more so I can feed my Steem Power machine.
A few months a go I got a little more serious about mining. First I bought 2 Antminer S4s, used but at a fair price, well till I fired them up for a straight month to find out I made literally only a few bucks in profits after I seen the electricity bill. That master plan was a dud and sure a lot of beginners find out that the older miners just can't keep up. So they sit quiet now, I hold onto them just because I think they are cool but not worth running.
So after that fiasco I did more research and decided to get a scrypt miner. I knew it wasn't going to make me rich but had to have something that spat out a little change. I ended up going the old ebay route this time and got a very dated GawMiner Falcon, not knowing that GawMiner was no longer even a company and they had legal issues over a cloud farm incident they screwed over a few people with. My luck, so hey had to find user created software but luckily located it.

I named this bad boy Elmo due to the color, I know not original much but we have to have names to those things that bring forth the old crypto. Elmo turned out to be in mint condition, found out it wasn't used ever even though it was sold as used and you could still smell that new circuit board smell when I popped Elmo open to verify he was sound. Not one hardware issue I could see...so off to hooking ELMO up and boy did that begin the headaches coming.
Lets just say Elmo is so old and dated that not much software has been made available for it in a long time. ELMSO was a tad picky about what software I could use to mine with it and our relationship started on major rocky ground. It tookmany software attempts but luckily found a Zeus miner one from a few years back that took to ELMO. To this day not one issue other than the fact my PC is in my bedroom and this thing is a heater. I average a few dollars extra a week, I run this in combination with my beast of a gaming PC that has a GTX 1080 card. Lets just say that card and PC mixed with Elmo does so much temperature rising that my AC doesn't even bother to cool the room down, nor does the 2 fans I have on all the time.
So next time you read one of my articles, remember not only do I try my ass off to give you good content, I am sweating bullets doing it lol. EVIL ELMO is laughing probably at me here, but hey it brings in a little something and till I get a second GTX 1080 I will just run it to death.
My quest for more Steem Power is a sacrifice to say the least, but only good things come when you grin and bare the trials. And trust me 90+ degree room temps is a huge trial in the summertime lol.
Okay off to the pool, be back shortly. lol
muahaha, yes Elmo must die! lol jk sweetie 😈
leave elmo alone lol...he brings you warmth and compassion lol
lol no elmo brings dehydration and a headache, but if you love him i can put up with him ...just not at night lol 🔥😜
I promise, soon as I get a second gpu I will tone down on elmo usages, maybe get that raspberry pi to control him and shove him in a closet somewhere lol
But you will be able to reduce your heating bill in the winter!
This is true, it sure did help in the winter. Mostly though our room is right at the one spot that gets the most sun all day so it tends to be hot anyways, just not this hot lol
Nice man! Getting your mine on.....I would love to start doing that too but I need to stop adding project, so much opportunity right now. So many projects going on....soooooo tired. LOL
Trust me I know so much what your feeling. I am RESTEEMing other peoples posts to my SBC thing every minute now lol...trying to write, trying to move my mining funds around, and I smoke cigarettes which I need to quit but I think I am doing even that less lol. We just got to hang in there and keep at it, one day we can take that well deserved vacation but next time in serious style.
I live in Texas so I feel your pain homie. Look into BURST mining! I have been in for a few months and made back 3 times my initial investment. I'm only mining with 8TB. There are bigger dudes out there doing quite well.
I was thinking about Burst mining, I did the Storj thing for a bit but wasn't pleased with the payouts lol. I have over 15TBs to spare actually lol. I used to have a bunch of blurays on my external drives but my old pc had some weird usb short that hit my usb hub and corrupted those drives. I fixed them but lost the movies lol....so I haven't done anything other than minor file storage with them, might check more into it...now I just buy Blurays and watch off the disc, less headaches
Right on. Let me know if you need any help getting started.
will do, I tend to figure stuff out but if I run into issues I will bug the ever living hell out of you buddy lol. Thanks for the tip by the way, I totally forgot about burst doing so well. I been so stuck on steemit lately I keep forgetting their is a broader markets sometimes lol
Cant stand the heat then dont hash in the bedroom! lol
Im running a small farm and I know exactly what your talking about, most people have no idea about the heat and noise these units can put out!
lol...I plan on a farm eventually...well hopefully. Man these things get hot...was nice in the winter but I am definitely getting a raspbery pi and getting this off my home pc and moving it in a closet or outside in a shed lol
You should try to do GPU mining rig its very profitable.
Yea I am leaning towards building a rig. I build a sweet gaming pc so I been side mining with that but I am ready to bank in more steem power a little faster so I am looking at upgrading. The ASICS are great but the profitable ones are just out of reach financially. Least with a rig I can piece it together over time, maybe get a couple GPUs to start, work my way up. Knowing me I will fill the house with a bunch of them over time lol.