Cryptocurrency Mining Guide

in #mining7 years ago (edited)

Hi, I am going to be making a guide on how to do Cryptocurrency mining. This is for AMD GPUs if you have Nvidia GPUs, you really only need to do overclocking, and don't need most of this software other then miner and Nvidia Graphics Driver. Now before we start, if you somehow break one of your GPUs, or other hardware it is not my fault and I take no responibility.

Required Software:
Claymore Miner - Download the 2nd to the bottom one
Pixel Patcher
SRBPolaris Bios Editor
AMD Blockchain Compute Driver - Warning: This is beta software but it seems like it works perfectly fine.

Optional Software:

1 . Build the rig, I am not really going to explain how to do this, just look at any guide on how to build a computer.

2 . Install the AMD Blockchain Compute Driver, this fixes an issue with the DAG, this can increase your performance by 50% or more. For an example, you might get 15 MH/s without it and about 25 MH/s with it.

3 . Setup the Claymore miner bat file, this is an example of how I set mine up (anything in <> has been removed cause personal info):

@title=<name>'s Claymore Miner

C:\EtherMiner\EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -di 01 -ewal 0xe33C57816A3Fa89B5287A6d274459e8427D37356/ScarletWitch/<personal email> -epsw x 

Now a few of these things you will not need, such as the title, that is because in my system we have cards from 2 different people who want to have 2 different miners and that makes it easier to figure out which is which. The -di is for the same reason. This is with Claymore installed in the C:\EtherMiner\ Folder.

The differences you will want to do to the one that comes with Claymore other then changing the ether address and things like that, is changing the EthDcrMiner64.exe path, to something that is global such as C:\EtherMiner\EthDcrMiner64.exe rather then EthDcrMiner64.exe, I also recommend putting in a path that has no spaces, cause I have had issues when there were spaces. The other thing you want to do is remove anything for dual mining such as removing the pool and address spots.

5 . Now take a baseline speed recording, I recommend making a spreadsheet similar like this: where you store all of the overclocks you do

6 . Use HWININFO64 to see the number of memory errors

7 . Increase the memory clock by 25-50 MHz till you start getting memory errors, then back it off till you only get about 1 an hour if your gonna bios mod (This low level of accuracy is cause I have had cards that get almost 0 errors software overclocked and then get 2 billion in 1 minute once hardware overclocked with the same speeds. So, your probably gonna have to do some readjusting anyway.) if your not bios modding, get it to about 0 in 12h or more. (And yes they are bad if you want proof: ~~~ embed:EtherMining/comments/7mvia9/psa_why_memory_errors_are_bad/?st=jc9e3pat&sh=455106f9) also for an instance of what the speeds usually change from, it is usually anywhere from 50-150 MHz change from base clock. reddit metadata:fEV0aGVyTWluaW5nfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9FdGhlck1pbmluZy9jb21tZW50cy83bXZpYTkvcHNhX3doeV9tZW1vcnlfZXJyb3JzX2FyZV9iYWQvP3N0PWpjOWUzcGF0JnNoPTQ1NTEwNmY5KSBhbHNvIGZvciBhbiBpbnN0YW5jZSBvZiB3aGF0IHRoZSBzcGVlZHMgdXN1YWxseSBjaGFuZ2UgZnJvbSwgaXQgaXMgdXN1YWxseSBhbnl3aGVyZSBmcm9tIDUwLTE1MCBNSHogY2hhbmdlIGZyb20gYmFzZSBjbG9jay58 ~~~

8 . Repeat steps 5-7 till you find the highest hashrate you can get without memory errors.

9 . (Optional) I do not do this cause it probably won’t save that much power and doesn’t increase hashrate and additional hardware is recommended. Change the core clock speeds and if you wish to measure the wattage with a watt meter how you did before without the memory errors till you find a hashrate: watts/core clock ratio you like you can either go to the lowest wattage/core clock with the same hashrate, or highest hashrate:core clock/wattage ratio.

10 . The following steps will be for bios modding if you are not doing this skip to step 14. Save your original bios of each of your cards using ATIWinFlash. for editing and backup. A recommended naming system might be bios/480 8gb Samsung (last 4 digits of serial number)/original.rom.

11 . Use GPUZ to find out your memory type, this will be displayed here on gpuz.

12 . Using SRBPolaris open your bios using the button in the top right, then go into memory straps, select the number based off your memory type from earlier and this table below

Samsung 1750

Anything else 1500

13 . Now go into powerplay and set your default core clocks to the number you found when overclocking.

14 . Now use AtiWinFlash to flash the bios to the card by selecting it in AtiWinFlash and clicking program, if you hit a issue where it gives a error such as "Can't Read Bios ROM" simpily shut off the machine and only plug in to power supply power the card you are flashing then reboot the card and try to flash the bios now, it should work.

15 . After flashing the bios run Pixel Patcher, if it says you will be restoring from backup click cancel, otherwise click yes.

16 . Now test like earlier to see if you get any memory errors while mining, there is a decent chance you will get some and will have to pull back the memory speeds 5-10 MHz or more. Like earlier find a state where you get 0 memory errors in 12h or more.

17 . (Optional) if you wish you may now go back to Step 10 and choose a higher number to strap to uppers and see if you get a higher speed.

18 . Enable your miner to start on startup by putting your miner file in your startup folder by going to C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and putting the .bat file in this folder, if you didnt do this when you made the bat file, make the path to the miner a absolute path, and now enable auto login to the computer by following these instructions:

19 . Now that you have done all of this, you should be mining cryptocurrency at a increase rate from normal for example I went from mining at about 28 mh/s to about 57 mh/s (203%) after doing all of these steps.

Sources: nvmax's Bios Modding Tutorial and my experiences doing mining.

Upvoting, Resteeming, and Following would be very appreciated.

If you wish to Donate
ETH: 0xe33C57816A3Fa89B5287A6d274459e8427D37356
XMR: 48MpjVxgpjyHuRGu86EcEFFHH918bJRYw1DmuahzRFNa1rxK6PAcB7WSimrRbMJYWpEffwNUhH5ocKCnDqEeFPVx1dQ3YDk