This was my first attempt at getting my mining rigs out of my house last year. I built a wind tunnel out of 1"x 2"'s and cardboard in my garage. LOL. It worked fine in the winter but as soon as Spring came... NADA!
It was a neat idea with the flip-open top to have easy access to my rigs but it just didn't work out.. the rigs got extremely hot in there. and I didn't have a way to gain access to fresh air for the intake. At the time I only had 4 rigs and those 2 little box fans just wasn't enough air flow at all. Also the exhaust angle going down instead of up was a bad idea. Trying to force heat to go down instead of up was just poor thinking. Live and learn!
Needless to say, In the middle of Spring, I scraped this project and built my good boxes out on the back porch.
I love all your innovations to try keep your rigs cool.
Thanks cryptojaxx. It was a long battle but i finally found a method that works
Fair play to you. That's what all great inventors do... try, fail, try again