Going to Setup Another GPU Mining Rig - Does anyone want to participate?

in #mining7 years ago (edited)


Hi Steemians,

It's quite a fun building another alt-coin mining rig.

The last Rig i setup was about 50 days ago and i used Rx Vega cards as GPU.

Now this time i m going to setup another GPU Rig with Rx 580 Cards. I want to do it with RX 480 but now it is impossible to find RX 480 unused or non-refurb.

This is going to be a budget Rig with 6 cards.

Without further a do here are the specification i have made plan to purchase.

Mother Board: ASUS B-350-F ~~~~~~~~~~180$
PSU: Thermaltake 630W x2 ~~~~~~~~~~140$
Processor: Intel Pentium G4400 ~~~~~~~70$
Riser Cards x6 v007~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~60$
Sapphire Nitro+ RX580 x6~~370 x 6~~~~~2220
Casing and Electric Board:~~~~~~~~~~~~30$
SSD 120GB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~60$
Total ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2760$~~~

I don't need anything extra, Keyboard mouse and monitor are the same i use for each rig. Plus i have all maintenance tools like air blower

First of all why i select expensive hardware is that i never ever go for refurb or used products because we need to extract our profit from the investment quickly and we cannot bet on used products.

All our products will be under full warranty depending on the brand we select ranging from 1 -3 years.

Only warranty that will be voided will be of cards because i am going to Mod the cards. But don't worry i will never burn anything.

Now talking about the profitability. I m focuing on EHT hash in altcoins and we can only mine Eth or ETC for maximum profitability.

After modding we are going to get almost 162 MHS with 6 cards


Here is the prof chart for current difficulty and price feed.

I have kept everything extra efficient to keep profit realistic. for example power cost is almost 0.11 but i kept it 0.12 and Hashrate will also be almost 165 because each card is going to give around 27.3 Mhs.

I m going to setup the rig this month.

The rig is going to cost almost 2760$ or 330 SBD.

If anyone want to be part of investment please let me know in the comment section so i will update how you can join.

I will try to keep investment from as low as 1 SBD so most of us can easily participate.

Thanks for Reading. Please resteem.


If the initial investment is $2,760 and your electric cost fixed, approximately how long will it take to break even and recoup your up front costs?

It will take almost 4.5 months to breakeven.
If we calculate it according to today's rates.
The brand new hardware are likely to work for 1.5 years without problem except for small like riser cards or electric wires burn.

That's not bad and I am assuming if the price of Etheruem were to go up, the time to break even would decrease and the profit from the rig would increase.

I'm just learning about these things.

Yes but similarly it can also go down. The only way to calculate projected profitablilty is to calculate the values from today's market only.
But it is always more profitable then expectation when you are dealing with cryptocurreny.
If you are learning about these things I m more then happy to answer your queries. 😀

Thanks, I appreciate the offer and will probably take you up on it. In fact, here is another question.

Once you have your hardware in place and on line is there specialized software needed?

Yes. I m using claymore dual miners. A one click solution to mine altcoins specially ethereum. It's simply easy and I use Windows 10

Hey, thanks. I'm going to go and dig around on the internet awhile because I don't want to eat up a whole lot of your time. But I may want to ask you a few more questions. I am also going to follow this thread and may be interested in investing in your mine to get me started.

I would be interested to join in.
Looking forward to seeing your terms and conditions!Hey there @uxair!

I am working to structure a best possible formula. Please stay updated the next upcoming post is dedicated to it.

Thinks it's interesting which you have mention, try out to ahead @uxair

Sound interesting, though I don't know much about mining with hardwares and I have no clue about your identity.

Can you provide more proof?

Thanks for your interest . I m going to build the rig. Anywayz i just posted to know if people are intrested to be part of it.

If i find people showing interest i will open a crowd fund window for perfect terms and conditions.
Don't know what proof i need to share.
you can always add and contact me on discord uxair#0865

Thanks for the info bro
If I need any advice on mining I will surely contact you