Hello people!
I have changed direction now in the crypto-currency world and focused directly on mining! Last night I started to mine an upcoming coin in my view '' BTGP'' I started last night around 2200hrs and so far here are my stats!
Top Miners!
I am currently sitting in the 7th position in the top miners! This is rising by the day with more people turning to mine BTGP!
The power!
I am using a mining rig that pushes out around 14.4KH this should return me around 1 BGTP per day! Value per BGTP is hovering around $25 only being added to coinmarket cap in the last week!
BGTP Official website:
If you need any guidance on how to set up let me know I help you out!
Curious what kind of rig are you using? Thanks.
Its a rented miner from, miningrigrentals.com!