:3.... Though I just got that 13 GPU board so maybe I need to shake things up a bit.
image source: az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/responsive/cover/main/desktop/2015/11/16/6358323711044591171311309533_relationships%2520.imgopt1000x70.jpg
:3.... Though I just got that 13 GPU board so maybe I need to shake things up a bit.
image source: az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/responsive/cover/main/desktop/2015/11/16/6358323711044591171311309533_relationships%2520.imgopt1000x70.jpg
Could you share about how to mining? <3
There are tons of resources available, I would give it a google and also check the mining sub if you don't regularly go there - that should give you a good start!
I would NOT cloud mine (i.e. Genesis etc.).
I just started blogging on steemit about setting up mining rigs: https://steemit.com/mining/@thebvg/complete-gpu-mining-rig-guide and indeed like @yminesandblogs stated being stable is very important wrote about this in my blog as well :)
That's mining with GPU. Thanks!