Our friends at UnicornRiot.ninja brings us live coverage from the scene.
If you haven't found UnicornRiot.ninja yet, you should take a few minutes to check them as a source of information, imo.
I've followed them for a few years now.
They were one of, if not the, first to get images out of the young lady shot in the arm by the 'less than lethal' 'crowd control' weapon.
Her arm was literally blown apart.
I'd hate to see her if it had hit her in the eye.
This is the link.
Video is graphic.
They had live coverage from #nodapl.
That gov't that loves you so much you give them 50% of what you earn is not telling you about these things, I hope.
If you knew these things and continued to be a cop sucker, why, I don't think we can be friends.
please stop following curangel flags, u been flagging me daily since 2 months.
Lol, I would never follow curangel.
I think it is bad form to gang up to increase rewards.
Those are sfr flags, and when you stop taking so much from the pool with your self votes, I'm sure those flags will stop.
Until then, pick on somebody your own size, eh?
Tough guy?
Plenty of self voting and farming to be flagged out there.
I know it might be hard for you, but if the community doesn't want to vote on your content, it's a clue.