in #minnow8 years ago



For those of you who haven't read part 1, part 2 and part 3. I would highly suggest you to read them before reading today's post. Why? Well...because today we are moving ahead in a territory that may confuse brand new minnows.

You see, I strongly believe that a new user shouldn't get bug down by all the details. They should just start using the comment/post and upvote function.

But if you have been here for a few weeks, I believe this one is for you.

As usual, if you like this article, please resteem and if it's the first time you come across my blogposts, go to my profile @cryptoctopus and follow me to get my future articles in your feed. I do my best to write 5 times a week, monday to friday...usually in the morning.

If I was a minnow I would...use tools

Today in particular, I'm going to talk about a very useful tool => https://streemian.com

The hero behind this tool is @xeroc of @chainsquad. He has been a long standing member of the community and I truly trust what he does.


You'll first have to register and then verify and that may be a little confusing for new users. But stick to it because I will show you how you can make this work for your benefit.

Adding Value to Steemit Using Streemian

One of the things I covered in my previous article was to more VALUE than the average minnow. Streemian will help you do that.

Start a CurationTrail Around Your Favorite Topic

What is a curation trail? It's basically a way for people to follow what you are upvoting. If you decide to start curating "food" related content then people who want the "food" topic to take more prominence on the platform can follow your upvotes.

Once your trail is setup, you can promote your trail in the comment section (when it's relevant) or advertise it at the bottom of your post. Overtime, you can get hundreds of people to follow your vote and thereby increase your curation rewards.

If you happen to be writing articles on the topic you are curating, you can also help it get more visibility. It is kind of a way to get paid for your hard work.

CAUTION: If you decide to have a trail around a certain topic, make sure to only vote on such topic...people might not like looking at your vote and realize that you haven't been doing your job.

Build you fanbase

If you have setup your streemian account and want to upvote my post automatically, you can become a fan here https://streemian.com/profile/fanbase/leader/cryptoctopus

You've seen that? That's an easy way to get more people to become "patrons" of your account. Use your own personal link to accumulate followers in the footer of your post. Overtime, it might pay off. :-)

Help Curation Guilds

You can be a frequent contributor to the @curie project. Please read their guidelines (https://steemit.chat/channel/curie). Many whales are backing this project and you can make yourself some powerful friends if you help them curate good content on the STEEM network.


By using streemian, you can generate a lot of value for people who do not have time to curate or vote. Those people usually don't have as much time as they wish to and they are dealing with an opportunity cost issue where if they don't vote, they lose potential revenue. With Streemian, you can add value by being a meticulous curator of a topic you care about.

There are 2 pages

ye its good thing to join curation trail or curation guild , just today i discovered @ocd (Curation Guild for undervalued, quality posts by newcomers ) there you can join as curator of newcomer post and find some quality post and receive sbd for it , also its good for first connections with others.

This is a cool idea too, thanks @investwarrior! I'm trying my hardest to scroll around looking for great new material and acknowledge it. Noticing a lot of good stuff gets buried pretty quick!

We have to create masterpieces that have a whole recipe behind it . As always , I love taking on your advice to better myself everyday on this platform . Thank you for helping everyone

I've never seen anyone giving so much advise on a daily basis + helping all these minnows like myself!
Yesterday I have been trying to enter to be a fan of yours, but i just got lost and could not know how to proceed. Then today I saw that I need to verify my account too by sending 0.001sbd to streemian then I can use it.I'm here for nearly 2 months @cryptoctopus, and in just 4 post you made me learn so much on how to succeed on this amazing platform!

It would be good that everyone joining get to know this step!
Thanks so much again my friend!

im trying to , but a get there , im new on that of steemit

Upvoted and resteemed

so you just write 3 words and upvote yourself? I'm tempted to flag just enough to bring you to zero.

he is writing few words and always upvoting himself if you check his profile its his style of earning money

I think I have all done in
streemian.com , im half way but im new on that, I need to open a steem Acount to finish ??

to see this post is help me and I see the post because tarquinmain put that post and I think is a very good post and connected me with you , I can follow you ?? cryptoctopus

@cryptoctopus - I also upvoted your post as I mentioned. Did you upvote your own post? I presume you did as that's how to get it rolling right? As an early adopter it's easy for you to get attention. The very top earners (also early adopters) on steem upvote their comments - even if one word. I also upvote other people's 3 word comments if I think they're relevant to the post. Upvoting my comment saying I'd resteemed your post was double approval of your work to attract extra readers. I've invested hard earned fiat into steem. Are you really suggesting I don't have the right to upvote anything of my freewill? I appreciate you didn't use your immense steem power to walk on my positive comment about your post.

This is surely a great way to add value to the community. At the same time increase the potential earnings. Thanks for sharing the step by step guide.

I agree, everything is interconnected, the author with the curator and the turnover. Mainly help to promote posts and all will win from this :)

Very nice post i use streemian some time for curating but wht is your opinion about using steemvoter for curation ? @cryptoctopus

I would say steemvoter is "serious" curating. I wouldn't follow a trail of someone who use that.

Ya i agree with this one and steemvoter also charge Money for huge curating.

I was approved and successfully joined your fanbase! Or added you to mine, whichever it is. https://streemian.com/profile/fanbase/leader/darkflame

I am reading this post with so much happiness today as only yesterday on my comment i asked if you could do a post on streemian and it's use, and BAM here you are with a full post on it!
You are always listening to your audience that's really amazing!
I never knew before the real utility of Streemian, but now for sure I will deep dive into it with all your advises and make good use of this amazing tool!
On another note thanks so much for the votes on my post, maybe you are not aware, but infact you are helping me a lot in organizing my cooking contest starting tomorrow!
Thank you so much!
Hello @cryptoctopus! Hope you are having a great day! @progressivechef

Thank you. I can't get over how people like you take the time and effort to expand understanding and involvement. When I first started, just a few weels ago, I was so excited by the community blog. I don't have crypto currency because I do not understand it. It isn't the money or reward it's uncensored, freedom of speech. I thought conversations and dialogue. But even the good posts, are rarely followed up with meaningful care and attention to the pursuant comments. Conversation is not one sided.
Enjoy pictures, recipes and travel, finance and politics. But I was hoping for dialogue. I can read this stuff anywhere.

Love the series.

I suppose what I struggle with as a minnow in this vast pond is engagement with my followers. I have followers join on a daily basis which says to me people want to see what I am posting or commenting on but then my posts only get around 10% views to my follower base and most of the upvotes (excluding bots) comes from randoms who then don't follow. It's really hard to get my head around. I was reply to every comment I receive, I actively check new followers and see if their content is something I would be interested in and follow if so.

It is a really good idea to use Streemian like this. I will try. The opposite: following some curation trails can drain your voting power quick.

Great article @cryptoctopus . Automation and big data tools are such a great way to add value to what we do. Tools like you reference in this article are exciting to see emerge on the steemit platform!

I did not know any of these things! Thank you for these I will try to implement these and see the results, thank you for sharing with us!

please write a comment that tells me you read the article and that you are not a bot.

Dude I read the article and was on streemian but they are asking for social media accounts, whats the deal with that can you please explain?

From FAQ: We require you to verify your identity via social logins before we create an account for you. The reasons is that accounts are pre-funded by us why some initial Steem Power. To prevent abuse, we require that you verify your account against a few social networks and thus proof some social reach.

Thank you for the clarification! So how many accounts do I need to supply to identify myself and do they have a criteria like the minimum number of subscribers of a account?

i think 1 is enough you dont need minimum number of subscribers you just need to have real account not fake , they check how real you are :) because in steemit many users just use fake accounts and so on, its to filter spam from quality users.

Thank you! I will try to make an account and see how much it can help me.

Really appreciate this information. Was also stopped in my tracks like fury123.

followed and upvoted
please follow and upvote my blogs

you should have read my previous posts

amigo #resteemia at your service

'https://streemian.com' first time heard about this tool. very useful information & useful article @cryptoctopus

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

@cryptoctopus - Sire, I never heard about that tool before. You are a great person. Love your effort to help us to be whales. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thanks a lot. I will check it out. Going back to read the others.

Really appreciate your effort and thank you very much for sharing such secrets tools to be a whale of STEEMIT! Awaiting to read your next article!
Thank you very much again!@cryptoctopus, People writes a lot of articles and they need to earn few $$$ via those articles. But if I could category them as very useful, useful or non-useful, I will category your article at "VERY VERY USEFUL" category! Respect your work my dear friend! Actually I didn't hear about this "https://streemian.com" before. Seems it's a great tool to use with steemit! I now there are more and your next article will describe about them too.

(I am rarely resteem a post! But today I DO)

Always this kind of information must be known by the newbies. Reestemed!

I have to update with the previous posts.!

streemian is great tool , but is it unethical to use it, we are getting votes whether or not we worked hard in it?

Im not following what you are saying. It make no sense to me.

i think streemian has auto upvotes , person gets upvotes even if he did not write a good article,
i dont thinks its right to use it

Like always a very good post. Will examine the details the next days. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for this information. I have to look into joining one of these groups as I have been just manually up voting so this sounds great.

Ahh.. is this the thing that allows you to 'autovote' for people you know you like, or is that something else?

Great posts btw,

Please read the article

Thanks for sharing this useful information. Following, voted and resteemed.

Awesome tips! I actually just started a trail a while ago. The idea was to curate people who like #beer and I actively try to promote it such as helping @detlev around #beersaturday challenge. I'm not perfect here but I try to do my best.

However, did you notice severe lag with streemian lately or it not working at all? Any way to get updates on it from someone in charge?

Thank you for this series, it's helping me understand better and work on a strategy. Steemian has been a mystery to me. I tried to get to your fan page last night but got an internal error message. Won't give up, looks like a great resource.

Always brinin' that value! Curation with steemian is a must for busy people :)

@cryptoctopus, thanks so much for this series. I did find myself wanting to jump write in and write my heart out, which I am still doing. I have to tell myself to spend an hour or so a day reading and curating posts that interest me. It has also become more about the kindred souls I'm meeting doing things this way, than exposure for myself. I think when we relax and stop worrying about fast growth, it seems to be coming naturally.....when using tips like yours....it seems to just flow better this way ;)

I want a fanbase... gonna put that on my X-mas list, heck yeah! (-:

I didn't know who was the brains behind this fine tool.
Kudos to @xeroc of @chainsquad for doing a mighty fine job.

And thanks for your insightful posts @cryptoctopus

He an thing rapid these after going drawn or. Timed she his law the spoil round defer. In surprise concerns informed betrayed he learning is ye.

I am thankful i followed your series.

I have checked out and it some how looks complicated,i will take time and study it and plunge in.
Thanks for the advice. I did not even know the existence of this tool https://streemian.com/.

I'm happy that I happened across this post, I intend to seek out your other posts and read them when time permits.

I want to use my time and resources wisely and I feel your knowledge base can help me meet this goal.

Thank you for all your dedication.

I have been a huge supporter of your series up to this point. I can't help but disagree with using a curation trail tool. This is one of the Steemit tools that I feel opens the platform too heavily to abuse and misuse.

While the idea behind it is may have been Noble and innocent, the implementation of it provides too much of a monetary incentive, which is counter Steemit's ideals and purpose.

Users of this tool do not need to actually interact with the community, which again, is counter to the fundamental idea of Steemit. I prefer the tools which provide users with the ability to better interact (personally) with the community.

I guess that's it for me.. This tool is too impersonal for me.

Thanks for your efforts in the community.

what fundamental idea? What count is how people actually behave and the truth is that people don't curate the "new" section because they don't have time for that. If someone offer the service to do that and then abuse, people can take away their endorsements.

That's a very general statement, and has the wrong attitude.

I curate the new section. That's the best section to find new users and new people to follow.

The fundamental ideal of Steemit is People helping People. Not bots helping people, and not a place to simply make money.

Community comes first here, and to me, curation trails discourage the community aspect, and the live interaction between members because all the trails seem to care about is making votes and making money.

Wow, thank you for this @cyptoctopus! Signing up now. Glad to see that you periodically produce content to help with the #Steem Experience. Going to Follow you!

another awesome post, i already used streemian, so i'm wwaiting for the next useful post! keep doing this kind of topics please ;)

Another good tool I'll be checking out. I mostly curate political posts anyway.


I see these tools for the the first time going to check it out.Thanks for your kind advice @cryptoctopus

Exactly what i needed to build a fanbase. Btw your link is not working ...internal server error.

For Soccer fans outhere i am organizing Fantasy Football CHampions League where we will have huge ammount of prizes with the kindness of our whales participating...check it out!


Those are some beautiful minnows!
My question is about the definition of a minnow.
Is it a $$ amount or a follower amount, or some other definition?

Wow, and I just posted a blog on using the tools today myself. I looked at Streemian previously because someone else had linked to it, but I was very new and it was confusing to me so I set it aside for a later date after I was more familiar with Steemit. I'll have to put that on my "todo" list which just keeps on growing. I do want to get involved with the @curie project but I have not figured out how to do that yet. I will follow the link that you provided and see if I can learn more about it.

Have always see that streemian when i checked some big guys profile using steemd
It came at the right time
Few minutes to reading this post, i checked yours too
Was wondering
You are just good
Will sign up for the curation project
Love reading poems and motivation articles

I used Streemian for a little while when I was just new to Steemit. TBH I didn't like it too much for personal use. Following a curation trail gives very less in curation rewards, I personally prefer Steemvoter as I can select my own people and even set timers for it. Though I do agree it has some great insensitives, especially the ones like @curie! Big fan of that one :)

I have been doing it wrong. Thank you for this

God bless you for these awesome service you are doing for use minnows!! Thank you so much!! Keep up this work man!! We'd be lost without these articles.

There are 2 pages