你的表达不够简单明了,也不知道你所说的“frequent gifted lease creations and profiting from the additional memo gifted leases receive, you have drained much of our profits over time.”
3)我在MB.net/MB.com使用的是buy vote操作,但显然首次buy是吃亏的,所以多试了几次,看看随机还是必然的结果.这主要是因为MB.net/MB.com的服务说明对于中文用户来说,有点逻辑混乱,不如dlease.io的服务说明更容易让人理解.也是这个原因,同样的SP租赁,我们选择dlease.io而不是MB.net/MB.com.至于这两者后台是否都是你们,这对于用户使用来说,并没有什么影响,也不是我要跟你讨论的事情有关的原因.
this is english edition of upper chinsese comments reply:
Your expression is not simple and clear enough, and I do not know what you mean by "frequent gifted lease creations and profiling from the additional memory gifted leaves receive, you have drawn much of our profiles over time."
I only emphasize two simple points, so that people with normal intelligence can understand the truth here:
up to now, I have never successfully cancelled any order from dlease.io, and finally you cancelled my order; however, the first time I actively communicated with you about the bug of cancelation operation in your discord office support channel, it brought your suspicion of my theft.
I use the rental SP service in dlease.io completely according to the process set by your platform. No matter who makes money or suffers losses, they should bear it. Otherwise, you should not provide this service, and I should not use this service. Adults should not be responsible for their own choice.
by the way:
I tried to cancel the low APR order that hasn't been completed for a long time on dlease.io. I wanted to change it to a high APR order just to close the deal as soon as possible, but I never successfully cancelled a single order in dlease.io, which is obviously your bug. When I first found out, I left a message on your discord support channel, screenshot, you haven't solved it for me so far.
if you haven't solved the problem of canceling a large number of low APR's, I wonder if there is something wrong with my authorization in steemconnect, so I tried to modify the key several times to retry the cancellation operation on dlease.io, but it never succeeded.
up to now, I have never cancelled any order from dlease.io.