Sorry but this still hasn't explained anything. If I give you my SP, do I get that back or how does that work?
Do I need to be posting content regularly, if not, would minnowbooster be beneficial.
What exactly is happening when I delegate my SP?
These videos are talking as if I'm the developer of minnowbooster and already knows the function of the service.
Who is this service for? Yes minnows but be a little more specific. I'm a minnow but it's been a while since posting, I comment more than I post. I have no idea how your service can help me.
Why should I give you my SP and what will that do for me and am I paying for a service and won't see that SP back or do I get it back and how?
There's so much you need to explain. I also sold my vote to you.... Now what the hell does that even mean?