BTW, this may be a good place to ask for your opinion.
It seems to me that some of my mediocre posts get action, and some that I put a lot of work into get diddly squat.
For example,
got zero.
What am I doing wrong?
sorry for the delay in response - I don't know how I missed this one! anyways, I have no real answer to this unfortunately - it's just the "magic" of steemit LOL there may be a method to it .. some people think it's a mixture of what time of day you post in combination with the tags you use other people use bots and trail voting to get those initial votes so that the post stays visible on people's feeds. I know some things I spend days or weeks researching and writing about and they make under $1 other times they jump up immediately.. Sometimes my quick 20 minute blogs do really well other times they don't.. I haven't quite figured out why.
I wish I had a better explanation. My best advice is to try out different tags and times because most people agree this is the most influential piece. There are a few users out there who do really in depth analyses on the when's and why's.. it couldn't hurt to research it more. I haven't because stats make my eyes and brain hurt LOL but I will say that building friendships on here and utilizing discords where you can drop links can be really helpful to getting those views and votes.
Thank you.
I'm busy right now thus did only a quick read; I'll digest (not in the gastronomical sense :) your message later.
Another favor - could you give me an objective feedback on this:
I'm emotionally invested, so I want to avoid an overreaction.
Thank you again.
The comment is deleted but I do think you've tried to handle it in a good way. There are quite a few issues circling the venezuelan topic right now (think vultures circling a dying baby animal) are you on discord? It may be easier to give you some feedback over there?
I tried discord a couple of times but was having trouble moving around in it. I need to read the tutorials, but I'm just so swamped all the time.
Changing gears; RE trolls, did you read this?