remember your promo vid steemit? about regular users being able to get reward.
I'm not seeing that contract being honoured. i'm seeing rich capitalists getting reward. mm just like the real world.
doesnt seem like thats empowering the 'regular' user.
who wants to come from a working class background (most regular users) in a society of capitalist oppression. where they work all hours for a pittance while watching the rich do fuff all for obscene amounts of money. to a system that offers riches and reward to 'regular' users and then gives the rich a fortune for fuff all!. sorry that aint gonna work in my mind.
You advertised to 'regular' users. now you should reward those users for coming to your site.
Imagine this : all those 100,000+ users use steemit, cos they get something for their 4 hrs sat trying to come up wi something that gets reward (rather than just clicking like whales do). the price of STEEM goes up to $4 again and possibley more because you now have 100,000 active users. Isn't that a better reward for investers?
rather than a business incentive to get big crypto investers?
Remember big crypto investors are in it for 1 thing! big return, quick.
If it fails move on to next crypto before the idiots catch on. simples.
Whales by design (sorry no offence meant to whales) are in crypto to gain as much profit as possible by investing their cash. And why wouldn't they? they are risking their money so want a return.
you want steemit to succeed? simple solution. do what it says on the tin.
give reward and empower the 'regular' user and you will have millions on this site, surely that will push the price of steem and sbd up so much that the investors get 10 fold.
If you dont give power to the people, then steemit is at risk of a 51% blogg or commenting attack.
Think about it! some rich fuffer wants to invest in steemit bt then dictates its direction (could be political)
Makes money and controls the direction of steemit then distroys it. do we want that option?
we are already seeing whale bullying going on. I cant
believe no one is standing up to bullying. mm we are all scared of steemicide.
rewards should be curated by experience not wealth. yes give some more reward to investors but also give something to users for staying a week, give more for staying a month. give more reward for curating. or for obviously having a skill in a specific tag. i.e. someone who is a professional investor in crypto gets to moderate the tags cryptocurrency, money, investing etc. a good photographer gets to moderate the photography tag, a good artist gets to moderate the art tag. and give them rewards,
that way content is voted by quality as opposed to just being voted by a rich 'friend'
FFS everyone knows we need more curators, most minnows dnt seem to bother curating, mm why not? cos they dont get reward.
I like the idea of steemit and i think its 1 of the best technological inventions ever, i believe the future of websites and all server type systems technology will be blockchain based, add that to the new nvidia 'deeplearning' supercomputers and the future of this tech is mindblowing.
If steemit doesnt take control and be the leaders some one else will.
Cmon @dan and @ned this needs sorting, give the power back to the people like you promised in your ads
IMO you are right about the importance to empower people in order to retain them. I also agree with you on other things.
However, you have to gain your space here. You just arrived and are already complaining because you feel you deserve more rewards.
Look at your numbers: 8 followers, following 6 people, 0 comments.
You haven't been giving much to the community in what interaction is concerned. Even if your posts are super good you have no audience yet.
One very unfair thing from the past was that a bigger % of steem was paid as SP interest and a smaller amount was distributed to authors and curators.
In December, before you arrived, some important changes were put in place. More % of reward for posting and curating and less for SP interest, for instance. This was a way of giving some power to "the people" if we consider that not everyone have money to be an investor but everyone is able to write good content and curate.
It's true that many people start earning right away but most do not. My first 14 or 15 posts I earned zero or a few cents. Don't lose hope!
Thanks for your input. Yes i am a relatively new users but surely new users are the people steemit should want to stay.
its not just me, look at this users profile, 97 posts and a return of 17cents.
What im really trying to point out is that new users and regular users should get reward because of their skill, contribution, curation and loyalty rather than for getting attention from a whale who may not even be experienced in anything related to the post.
I completely agree with you on this one:
in the sense that many users may like your contents, upvote and still don't make a difference in the payout. That's something worth debating... after you have posts with many upvotes. The example you pointed out is the same story. No audience. Also, the 97 posts you refer include comments. She could be the best blogger in the world but unless she has followers she won't get upvoted enough.
My first goal in steemit was to get 50 followers. Than 100. Then 150. And now 200. That means I teach, entertain or help a good amount of people that are willing to upvote my content. In the beginning I was very happy with a post with 0 money as long as I got a new follower. Now I just want to have fun and not to disappoint my followers. I made a series of posts called "useless information" in which I wrote short posts about random things (mostly scientific curiosities) for 50 days in a row. I was not earning much but I got lots of followers.
Figure out a strategy of your own and be persistent.