I think you should stay and don't be bullied. But maybe create better content and create interesting exchange commenting. If the issue reaised is self upvote and upvoting each other, I think that is nonsense. SP belongs to you guys, and you should be free to use your investment whichever way you want, as long as no serious offense such as plagiarisma, illegal stuff, and abuse going on.
Don't give in. Fight the power. Let them flag, they waste their power. After some time they will give up. Common sense tells me self upvote is a right.
Lastly, in a long term creating good content and contributing to the prosperity of platform will bring higher and more meaningful outcome.
Again, don't feel bullied and stay. They can't bully you out, they will flag couple time and give up, because you know what they will need to upvote themselves. Lol.