hm sardonic i had to look that one up. I have been sardonic before... you are an author... i am in yourwebsite right now. wow. that book cover is awesome!

i'm a visual artist and i will say that is a badass book cover. Now im not going to so say that I will read your whole book just yet! i have a hard time reading books these days! hm... i just convinced my friend pat who is a creative writer to join steemit. i'm sure there are writers guilds around steemit. seems like the type of unique place to get people who are willing to read each other's work.
meh, getting other writers to read you is a double edged sword. We're way too critical. Yes, I 've actually published I think sixteen books at this point and ghost written another half dozen with other authors.
well hey, let me know if you need art
I did the bookcover by the way. Ha
With all the people getting involved in this, I'm going to be honest. I won't remember who volunteered to do what. If you'll watch for us to choose a hashtag to label all of this, you'll have an easy way to track it and when art is needed, we'll probably put up a bounty.