Awesome Original Song called Winter for the Spotlight Entertainment Contest #1. After hearing her haunting music and deep words, I saw the presence of Winter that inspired my words.So, I have to thank @isaria for her unintentional help in giving this fun, twisted story the light of day. I was inspired greatly by @isaria's
So it is that I am presenting below a newly-formed version of the Fairy Tale Little Red Riding Hood from the perspective of the Wolf. I hope you enjoy this turny tale.
Thanks in advance.
I looked up from my burrow. It was a hole that I had hollowed out of the snow. I saw a flash of red bobbing up and down from a short distance away. The bright color was so enticing and I could smell the warmth of her flesh.
My stomach growled viciously. All I wanted was a bite to eat. I punched myself in the belly and hunkered down. The little girl would have tasted so good going down, but I couldn't do it. I had promised Mother and Father that I would rise above those baser instincts.
I could even smell the buttered rolls that she carried. Everything smelled so tasty. I couldn't stand it. My tongue lolled as I breathed out a cloud of heavy steam.
"Oh, little girl, if only I had not promised," I howled to myself.
The red-topped figure, still just within my view, stopped and began to flip from right-to-left. She had heard me. Her little tune that she had been singing cut off abruptly as well.
Down boy! I smacked my belly and it dropped to a low gurgle. I shook.
The singing resumed, but not confident. Her pace seemed quicker than before as well. I watched until she was at the fork in the road. I groaned as I watched her take the shorter path, the one that would go right through Windward Way. In those hills and forests, she would run into creatures far more vile and ill-intended than I was... and they didn't have promises to give them pause.
I sighed. Mother would be so furious at me if I let anything happen to that little girl.
"Thanks Mother."
With a huff-and-a-puff I rose from my curled position and padded through the drifting snows. The trail that the little girl followed was enchanted, so the freezing snows would never touch her. I, on the other hand, had just the coarse and half-scratched-off fur to keep me warm. Me, with so much anxiety, couldn't stay warm against such cold.
I scratched my belly, raising my back paw and digging into my side vigorously, almost as an affirmation to the thoughts. I always saw myself as this ragged-looking little wolf-cub with great bare patches and small tufts of fur.
I huffed harder as I pushed through the ice and snow. The embankments were often taller than my head. I followed from a safe distance as the little red-hooded girl now skipped over the path. I watched the edges of the forest and saw the pinprick glow of eyes.
I saw Maurice in the next bush, tail down, legs shifting. I pounced just before he could finish his wiggling movement. I crushed his leg. He would not be pouncing anytime soon.
I didn't make a sound as I went from bush-to-bush. If someone was watching, I could just say that I was hungry and was stalking my prey. If they saw me attack another of the predators, they wouldn't think it abnormal as I would just be trying to win a meal.
"Not this time, Siara." My howl warned the girl, who jumped at my form. She couldn't understand me, just as I couldn't understand her.
Siara, on the other hand, stopped in the middle of her crouch and launched herself at me in the dark shadows. Teeth bared, she meant business. I ducked and slid around her lithe form. I sunk my teeth into her throat and could taste wolf-blood. She screamed in pain and I tossed her aside.
"Well, Mother, would you be proud or disgusted?" It was too late, though, I was already past the point-of-no-return.
I leapt from wolf-to-wolf, dispatching them far easier than I would have expected. I had to pick fur from my teeth, but the way seemed clear for the little red-hooded girl. I think I could sense my Mother smiling from above.
I ended up following her all the way to the edge of the forest. Then I saw Cecil cozying up to her, asking her questions. I couldn't stop him from that far away and keep her safe, so I crept closer until I could hear them. We wolves normally don't use Human-Speak because it's so strange in our muzzles, but there he was just talking away.
"Oh yes, I'm going to my Grand-Mum's house. It's up the road and over the river. I should be there soon." She sounded so cheery, I wanted to smack her for the ignorance and naivete.
Up the road and over the river. Now that I knew where she was going, I could just head her off. I dashed off through the woods and paralleled the road, just close enough so that I could take advantage of the enchantment while still staying out-of-sight.
I huffed-and-puffed as I leapt and jumped through the forest. I could hear Cecil behind me as I bounded onward. He was fast, faster than I, and I wouldn't make it to the cottage before him. I saw the river up ahead so I dipped and dodged between a couple of large trees.
I let Cecil rip past me. The large wolf slid to a halt at the edge of the water and paced back-and-forth, visibly gaging the distance. I knew it was too far to jump.
I darted out of my hiding spot and barrel-rolled the larger, faster wolf. He was a mass of furr and snapping maw, sharp teeth glistening in the sun. I whimpered as teeth found my hind quarters. I jerked upright and we circled each other, growling low.
"James," Cecil warned, "do not get in my way. You're too old for this!"
"I must stop you."
Cecil shook his large head. "Why do you care?"
"My Mother made me promise to care for Humans. I don't know why, but now I'm stuck with this promise to keep." I shuffled and darted in.
I didn't even go in for the bite. It was a ruse, and it worked. Cecil leapt back, I dug my heel paws deep into the soft banks, and pushed my shoulder against him.
Cecil flew off the side of the river's edge and plunged back-first into the rapidly-moving water. "Noooo!"
"Goodbye Cecil," I howled after.
It seemed to be clear, so I took a breath and continued on my way. The red-hooded girl was in the distance still, so I took the bridge and bounded up to the house. I shoved in through the door to find the little girl's Grand-Mum at the desk, writing a letter. She was in an ugly nightgown.
"Greetings Lady," I called out formally, using the grandest Human style.
She was startled and clutched her chest. Her eyes were wide open. "Oh my."
She dropped to the floor. I lapped her face and grabbed her wrist. It just dropped to the wooden floors. Her chest did not even move. She did not stir.
I swore to myself.
I heard growling at the doors and windows. I gasped and took a defensive position. The sheer numbers were too much, though. I was knocked out and dragged to the closet.
I woke as I heard the tearing and ripping of flesh. My stomach turned. I was so very hungry and the scent of blood was heavy in the air. I battered against the closet door and it splintered outward.
I howled and screamed at the group. "She is mine." I tore into them as they cowered, all of them cubs against my rage-filled strength.
I tore them to pieces until they fled with whimpers and cries. The pulsing beat flowed in my head.
I inhaled deeply and shuddered with delight. I shoved my muzzle into the old lady's open wounds, licking and ripping and chewing. I couldn't even think through the haze of eating. When I finally had my fill and stepped back again, I shook and felt the great sorrow. My Mother would have been so disappointed.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered.
I heard the song from up the hill. The girl with the Little Red Riding Hood was getting closer. I needed to fix this. I rushed around, dragging the body around and hiding the remains. I then pulled down a curtain and yanked it across the floor to sop up the blood... it still tasted so delicious that I shuddered.
The song grew louder. I dove into her closet and pulled out a nightgown, crawling into it as I hopped around and into her bed. I tugged the coverlet up to my chin and tried to pretend I was asleep.
The girl's voice was enthusiastic as she skipped across the threshold of the open door. "Grand-Mum! There you are!"
I didn't know this girl, but I could only imagine how not like her Grand-Mum I truly was. I just went with it. Maybe she was just plain stupid.
I tried to sound smooth, womanly, and old. "Come in, come in, my dear. What have you brought with you?"
"Grand-Mum," she began, "what a deep voice you have."
"Your dear Grand-Mum has a bit of a cold."
She drew closer and I tried to cower into the blankets.
"I lost my glasses Grand-Mum. May I come closer to give you a hug?"
I didn't say a word, hoping she would just drop off the basket and leave. She, of course, wasn't smart enough to know when things were wrong. So she drew closer and closer.
"Grand-Mum," she said, "What large ears you have?"
"The better to hear you with, my dear," I answered. Was she that dumb that she couldn't see the points on my ears?
The girl reached out and ran a hand over his brow and down his cheek. She didn't flinch and just pursed her lips. She had a puzzled expression.
Her eyes pinched together as she thought a moment. "Grand-Mum! What big eyes you have!"
I groaned inwardly. She had to have been dropped on her head as a very young child. She didn't even seem to realize that he had hair all over his face. "Grand-Mum is getting old, the better to see you with, my dear."
She rocked back on her heels and then reach forward. The girl pulled back his lip, exposing blood-drenched teeth. She poked at them and frowned, putting a hand on her chin. She seemed so deep in thought, but I couldn't imagine what could even be going through her rock-like brain.
"Grand-Mum," she began. Then she poked a finger against one of the sharper fangs. "Ouch. I'm bleeding now. What big teeth you have!"
I smelled the blood and that was it. I couldn't help it.
I leapt out of the bed, crashed her poor little body to the floor, and let drool drip on her face. "The better to EAT you with, you little twit! Can't you tell that I'm a wolf?? I'm going to chomp you to bits!"
Ok, this is the point where you might think this little girl had made a huge mistake. Well, now that I'm resting in a local hosptial ward, tied to a bed in the Emotionally Unstable Ward, I can recall vividly that I had been duped. Here's what happened as I was ready to eat the little girl.
The doorway darkened as a figure walked in. He was imposing beyond belief and was carrying an axe. His smile was just plain vicious.
"You will NOT be feasting this day, Wolf!" The axe took off my tail and one of my paws. I jumped back and felt the blade bite into my muzzle. I couldn't even howl through the pain.
Now that I'm in this ward and drinking through an IV hose, I recall the last words that I heard before the black void engulfed me.
"Well, Wolf, I knew you were here. I knew you killed my Grand-Mum. I knew who could kill you." She had such an insolent voice. Little Twit.
"I did not kill, only ate," I wheezed, tasting my own blood pouring from gaping wounds.
After they had done the autopsy and all of the research and investigation, I was cleared of the charges for Murder. Unfortunately, I have ever-after been stuck inside this room, out of my head with little hope of becoming better. These fleeting moments are rare, so I took the time to tell the True story of my plight.
Thanks Mother. Thanks Little Red Riding Hood. You both suck.
I wonder if I can summon a dolphin/whale vote to boost this thing up by giving a s/o to @dan, @htliao, @linuslee0216, @nicolemoker, @surpassinggoogle, @sweetsssj and @tumutanzi. I don't know too many big-money people, but I'm just trying to pump this one up to disperse the funds to someone that I think is well-deserving. Let's see if this test works.
Any of those that I have summoned, if this works, can you reply to this comment to let me know... I'd appreciate it. In addition, if you like the story, please upvote and resteem it for me.
It would be totally awesome-sauce-topped-with-cheese-topped-with-bacon!
So this was a fail. No big deal, was just curious. It would be awesome if I had even just a single whale or a small canoe-full of dolphins were following me. I foresee it coming in the future.
Why am I talking to myself? Because I'm an awesome conversationalist, lol.
Join us in Discord.This post received a 5% vote by @netuoso courtesy of @sammosk from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).
Be sure to go to, scroll to the bottom of the page, and vote for @netuoso.
oh man you kept me guessing wrong at every turn. I thought I knew where you were going but I was happily wrong - happily because this turned out to be one of the most creative and oddly gripping stories I have read in a long time. Bravo!
I would love to see this published with illustrations in a children's book style (if not content). A children's book for (cool) adults.
BTW why did your mom make you promise not to harm humans?
I appreciate that high praise @carlgnash as I try to provide original pieces based off non-original ones (at least lately). I'm not sure if I deserve it, but I thank you for it.
As for the children's book, I had not expected that suggestion. I could only imagine how many parents might mistakenly (or purposefully) pick it up to read/show to their children. Then I would be considered a monster probably... maybe it's safer not as a Picture Book.
To answer your question, I can only assume his parents were once saved by Humans and that's why his Mother didn't want him to harm the conniving species.
What do you think I should put in my flipping queue?
This is great! Way to tell a story! Thoroughly enjoyed it, I wonder if i should read it to the kids???
Sure, I think it's very [not] kid friendly. @isaria read it on the air in MSP Waves for our PALnet Discord listeners.
This is a great perspective I love it. It should be published, cracking :)
Thanks so much! I appreciate that! What other kinds of stories would you like me to handle @vibeof100monkeys?
Wow thats a tough one. Hanzel and Grettle from the witches perspective maybe :)
That could be interesting.
This is an amazing story. I loved it.
Thank you so much for your interest @choogirl, I'm glad you enjoyed my flip of the norm. Do you have any favorite Fairy Tales or Fables that you'd like me to flip on their head? I'm taking requests. I have Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox to do next.
Hmm. Let me think about that and get back to you.
Sounds good, you can always DM me in Discord.
I really enjoyed that. Welld done.
Thanks @covey. Would you like to see more of this?
Hah. Great story! I was actually considering a similar upside down flip of the same fairytale. Now I'll feel like a copycat, so I'll just work on it some more. Still. Great stuff.
I'm sorry I preempted your story. I think it's fun to flip previous versions of stories. How about fan fiction? Eg. The journey after the Lord of the Rings ends. Thoughts on whether I should write an extension?
Well, since your story was great, you're forgiven. I was thinking more along the lines of a badass red riding hood who saves the Wolf from the mean hunter. But I might do a fan fic about your poor wolf as he is on the road to recovery. ;-)
That would be a fun story I bet.
haha really original take, and pokes holes in the old see thru fairy tales. more of a real life tale. well done.
Thanks @torico, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Did you get a chance to read my Cinderella rehash? I actually like it better, but it's closer to the original still.
I love the twist on a traditional fairy tale from a different perspective. Your descriptions always amaze me and pull me into the world of your story.
I aims to please. Thanks hon, I always value your opinions.
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You will NOT be feasting this day, Wolf!" The axe took off my tail and one of my paws. I jumped back and felt the blade bite into my muzzle. I couldn't even howl through the pain.
Were those your favorite lines @rezarezz?
An interesting take. Little Red Riding Hood from the point of view of the Wolf. Really enjoyed it. How about doing a take on Three Little Pigs from the point of view of the Wolf, and a Goldilocks from the point of view of Papa bear.
I think next I am going to do the 3 Little Pigs. Goldilocks might be fun. Great suggestion.
Check out my take on three little pigs first... if you dare ;)
It's great! I like the idea very much!
Thanks @ksolymosi. I was inspired and thought of it then let the wolf drive the story. I didn't quite expect the ending as it turned out. I was pleased.
I have ALWAYS loved flipping fairy tales on their head. Check out my YouTube channel if you don't believe me!
Great job on this one. So many levels and depths to it, and kept me entertained all the way through.
I'm so glad you enjoyed!
I enjoyed it so much I put it as a link in his post:
Did you get around to looking at my 3 lil pigs?
Yeah I watched it and honestly I can't condone the video. I can see both sides of how people can interpret it.
Yeah I get that it splits audiences down the middle. But every gay person I know has enjoyed it so far lol
But if you don't wanna be associated with it I'll understand and can remove the mention to your story. I won't be offended ;)
I thought about and I'm not totally against it. Could you make mention that I'm not associated with the video? That would be cool.
Done :)
This. Was. Auhmazing!
It was seriously incredible. I will probably be back to read this three more times! ❤❤❤ So good, DBZ... sooooooo good!
Thanks so much mah @stitchybith. YOU are awemazing! Feelin' the love now.
very interesting story, thanks
You're quite welcome and glad you enjoyed.
UPVOTED because Amazing!
Great way of writing and you got me at the first word!
Gave you a follow (( Thought I already did but guess not))
Looking forward to reading more!
Thanks ssssssso muchessssss @poeticsnake. Feel free to peruse some of my older stories to see my stylessssss.
Interesting story. Upvoted and followed
Thanks. What kinds of stories would you like me to write?
Folktales are better
Any suggestions?
Maybe ''Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox''?
I will definitely try to keep that in mind and write one. Thanks for the suggestion!
Welcome ;)
Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by dbzfan4awhile from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the
Fantastic read. Shall we look forward to more twisted perspectives?
Oh yeah, I'm going to skew things all over the place. I like to change it up, so you'll see some really twisted, some reality-based perspectives, and other variant views.
A very good read! Unexpected plot twists. The idea of retelling the story from the wolf's perspective was ingenious.
Thank you so much. I really expected it to be a happier ending, but that's the way the plot crumbles. I'm glad you enjoyed.
Yes - that was quite an inspired narrative - and you truly nailed it. :c)
Maybe one day you could make a kid friendly version and publish it with pictures. ;cP
The original thought was that it was going to be set where the wolf was the good guy, but instincts took over. I may still do that version later. Good suggestion.
Not being too invested towards any particular end allows for the most organic story development. That is one of the more fascinating elements of your narration. ^_^
I agree. That's how I like to make many of my stories, but it's sometimes detrimental because often it leads your main character to a roadblock.
Great explanation
That is the most amazing Little Red Riding Hood tale I've ever read. You have me hooked. Now I want a Big Bad Wolf do-over!
Thanks hon, I'm glad everyone seemed to enjoy it so much. So next on the agenda should be 3 Little Pigs?
Yes! 😀 Challenge 👍
Challenge... wait for it... ACCEPTED!
Awesome! ❤ PM me when you are done.
Will do.
Thank you :)