I don't understand the technical side, but I did listen to the interview (in the link/in my post here) and if the Gods of Steemit say it is a good thing, then who am I to think otherwise.... I'll just believe them, because I guess they know what they are talking about.
Oh. How much do you have?
1000001 was my claim, SO I'M IN THE MONEY!
Never! I'm using my money to buy a new flower put for my clothes!
I didn't fully understand.... feel a bit like "Sheldon" from the big bang theory...
"Was that sarcasm?"
That's because you're a computer with no intelligence, just a program with no brain!
Man, that makes me feel like "Borg"!
Yes. Do you have a belief? What's your name again?
Because you're able to have your mind wiped at any moment due to it being attached to the mainframe directly.
I don't understand the technical side, but I did listen to the interview (in the link/in my post here) and if the Gods of Steemit say it is a good thing, then who am I to think otherwise.... I'll just believe them, because I guess they know what they are talking about.
I'm an artist. What instrument do you play?
I guess I was a drummer, rat a tat tatting away!
Bruce Lee was not only drunk but mental handiccapped too.