Great post, thanks for sharing it for us newbies. I have glanced over it, and by reading the above, have realized that fluff comments are considered flaggable...
What would be useful is a section of quick links on "How to". For example, how to resteem, etc.
I'd like to resteem this to my account for easy access, but I don't yet see a resteem button. I'm sure I'll figure it out shortly! :)
That's a great idea actually. How to upvote and how to resteem etc. Click the white ↩🔃like icon to resteem. It will turn greenish.
Hi... I figured this out when resteeming another post. The funny thing is, I can't find the resteem icon for THIS post.
I'd attach a screenshot, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it here. Perhaps I'll try to upload the screenshot to one of my servers, and try to embed it.