So for the past few days my a/c has been on the fritz! I had a guy come over and check it out when it went out on Saturday, and he replaced the thermostat. It started to work after that, for a few days anyway. Yesterday evening it went out for good, and the guy could not make it here until this evening! OH YA i forgot to mention I live in Phoenix AZ, LOL!!! Ya so it was really really really HOT in my house today. So I was no were near my computer today, my computer is on the second floor of the house! It is crazy how much I took having a/c for granted, it always happens that way. It is like we just get so use to having things just working, and then poof it is gone!
No matter how hard I try to not take anything for granted, there is always something I miss. I really do try to be appreciative of every thing I have in my life, I have been down this road before,,, many times before! Just as I think I am thankful for everything in my life, life has a way of reminding you about the one you missed. I am constantly humbled by the challenges I face on the regular. If you are paying attention life is just one big pile of lessons, and I am glad I have come far enough in life too see that. The guy that eventually fixed the a/c, it was the fan motor by the way, is my fiancee's ex. He is the father of her children that also stay with us, and I make sure to stay humble so it increases the chances of me and him getting along. I am grateful that he fixed it, and maybe this will be a chance to fix mine and his relationship. He currently has a girlfriend that is trying to create drama, and I just wish that he would make her stop. This girlfriend of his has over stepped her bounds with my fiancee's children, and this has caused a riffed between my fiancee and him. It an interesting situation to say the least!
No matter how old or how young you are life's lessons are all around you every day, and if you are just paying attention just a little bit you can learn so much from them. On top of all of that I still have so much to learn, and that is the most exciting thing about being alive! For me a least, that is what makes life worth living. I want to keep learning all the way to the end, learning really does bring more meaning to my life. If you also combine learning with compassion, wha la you get some contentment out of it!!! There are more things to add of course, but these two are biggies for me. Heck I continue to learn how to be more compassionate, now that is a good combination. No matter how hard life gets, no matter what life throws at you, no matter how many times you fall down,,, If you just get back up, or just keep moving forward, with compassion and the willingness to learn from others, and your mistakes you can find some level of happiness. Also if you really want to feel better, help others! You don't have to feel ashamed that you help others to feel happy, that why it works and you want to do it more. I am in such a good mind set at the moment, and I am very grateful for that! I want to share this feeling with all of you and I hope I was able to give some of my happiness too you as well!! Ok everyone have a good evening, and stay cool out there if you are in a hot area!
Sincerely: Tiandao
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Lolololololoo, my AC broke too, and it's been super hot. Haha, good luck man! Good luck 👍🏻🍀
Ha! LOL, that sucks! Good Luck to you as well my friend!
My heart goes out to you @tiandao. But you were so good at staying centered during these very challenging times. I am so proud of you and admire the way you took things in stride. I know it is not easy. I go through challenges almost everyday, despite my efforts to be positive and calm. I guess because we are A+ students our homework is the hardest!!! So much for trying to be so good.
I am glad that your AC is working now. I can't imagine how hot it is there in Arizona. Hawaii has also been very hot and it is miserable here too. Sometimes it get so hot that you can't do much. Because of global warming, the earth's temperature is rising so the weather patterns are getting more extreme.
It is unfortunate that your fiance's children are being used to irritate you both. That is bad on the ex's girlfriend's part. As karma will go, eventually she may regret her actions. I have no advice but to just say it hurts the children the most. You guys will have to keep up the good communication with them so that they know that they did not do anything wrong. They are the most impressionable.
Wishing you cooler days and nights, a well functioning AC unit and much peace and happiness. Keep being positive and better days will eventually come. I know how hard you are trying. Please take care tiandao! .....Cabbagepatch :D
Thank you my friend for your kind words, in these trying time. Man I can't imagine the kind of heat you are in! It is also humid in Hawaii, and that is heat on a hole new level :0. I love the A+ student part, I never thought of it that way, thank you very much for that analogy. I wish the girlfriend of the kids father, would find peace. I too believe her karma might hit hard, and I don't want that for anyone. I know how it feels when karma hits hard, and I will never wish that on even on an enemy if I had one. I will keep your wise word in mind when talking with the kids and let my fiancee know about communicating that they have done nothing wrong. Thank you again for such a wonderful response, it always up lifts my spirits! Good Day Cabbagepatch!
I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing since you haven't posted for a long time. I truly hope nothing is happening to you. My thoughts are with you @tiandao.
I am ok, I just am getting ready to move. Thank you for checking on me though, I really appreciate that! I hope you are doing well your self.