in #minnowsupport8 years ago


It is funny some times how what a person is trying to convey gets missed, I say this cause some of my posts have comments that don't fit. I have come to realize that communication in the form of writing is most certainly a skill, and not easy to master at that. As I spend time creating content by typing out my words, I have found it difficult to convey exactly what I mean to say. Most of the time I try and use examples, and real life situation to connect with my audience. I find this the most effective way for me to get the emotion across, typing out emotions is a challenge to me. My post some times have more then one topic in them, it is like I start out with a topic I want to talk about and it leads to other thoughts. Kind of like a conversation, but some of the comments that I get back are like the person only read the first part. This may be the case IDK, but I like to make clear what I am saying all the times. It is like a need for me to be clear to my reader what my intention are, and how I feel. Is this strange of me, are any of you like this in your post? I do really enjoy getting better at conveying my thoughts in this format, for so many years I have not been able to do this. By this I mean typing out thoughts, I feel I am getting better day by day as well. I can really see why people do this sort of thing!

It is as though by doing this exercise of writing out my thoughts, I am getting a deeper insight into the thoughts themselves. I went to do something for bit and my train of thought is gone, well this happens sometimes I guess. Just keep typing and it will work itself out, you know until I started on Steemit I never thought about creating any content. It never occurred to me that Facebook could be used for that, kind of strange now that I look back. I would only do curating, I had something to say I just never thought I should. A friend of mine said I should get on Facebook just to keep in touch with people, and when I joined that's all I really used it for. After being on Facebook for many years I started to use it to share political stuff, you know spread the word kind of thing. I wanted to make as many people aware of current events as possible, and from a non main stream media perspective. That was my way of contributing to the knowledge pool, I lost some friends doing that. Some of my friends hated trump with such a passion, it probably was for the best though. I have no room in my life for that level of hate for anything. I never believed trump was a savior or anything, it is just my opinion that he was the best of a bad situation. I may end up being wrong, it certainly would not be the first time. I really don't believe any politician can save us, I think we have to do that for ourselves! I really hope the same thing does not happen here, I don't want to lose friends over an opinion again. Watch someone is only going to read that part about trump and lay into me, sorry its not my intent to upset anyone. I have never liked conflict, I will stick up for my point of view, but if someone makes a good point I will acknowledge it. I just don't like to argue my opinions, it makes me feel like I am not entitled to have an opinion. I'm sorry I am just rambling on about all sorts of stuff, I will put this post to bed now. You are all wonderful, and thank you for reading this post. Good Day!

Sincerely: @Tiandao ( Heavens Blade )


@Tiandao, I know you really try hard and some times things get miss-interpreted. The main thing is to keep true to your life path and take each step with purpose. There will be many obstacles, there will be times of taking a step back on your path. Just make sure you take two steps forward because then that is progress.

Writing is also very difficult. Usually the readers on Steemit need less words and more simple statements. You will eventually learn what works best. Don't give up, keep inspiring yourself and one day you will reach your golden star! You have good intentions. Be true to yourself! .......Cabbagepatch-

Thank you! I appreciate the advice.