
I believe you. Just helps me debug errors with the most information provided :)

I have no affiliation with Steemconnect. I think another user had that same error and just tried to refresh the page and it worked.

Refresh didn't work, but here's a console log output that may help you diagnose the problem better:

"Error: 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
available_shares >= op.vesting_shares: Account does not have enough vesting shares to delegate."

and a big list of debug code follows, which I don't know if I should be sharing or not. Figured this alone might help you help me :P lol

Looks like you are trying to delegate more SP than your account has available. But again, this is a Steemconnect error.

I dont see a way to contact them for support, but it says the creator is

Actually if you check this post out it looks like your error is complaining about too small of a delegation.

That post claims there is like a minimum of 2 SP. (~4k VESTS)